Sustainable Development: Strategies For Water Management

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The idea of Sustainable development comes with the need to have better strategies for Water management. Water has constantly and will always be an integral part of human livelihood and all other living things on earth. The level of health, the state of our food is largely determined by water which in return determines energy, security and the general state of the environment. There is a great need to have good water management strategies put in place in that we are able to achieve the sustainable development or even reduce poverty. The response with which new challenges are approached has to be effectively aligned with the state of the environment and the impact that there is with the strategies that are duly applied. The Global Water Partnership has had a vision for a long time in that water security has to be a worldwide aspect of the whole development strategy in order to achieve realistic results altogether. Ecosystems have to be preserved even with the management of calamities such as floods and droughts. The necessity is to have a clear picture of the amount and quality of water that is made available for the sake of health and a maintenance of the same for a long period of time.


The thesis proposal has to discuss the necessary strategies to be put in place in order to maintain a consistent development program in line with water resources. The objectives are therefore plenty on the basis of the wide scope that is covered in terms of water and sustainable development as well. The first is to ensure that there is an understanding of the role of water in sustainable development and the goals that have been set to ensure that this comes to pass. The other is to also ensure that there is an understanding of the management practices when it comes to water resources and also the intensive effort put into these practices. This will eventually lead to a discussion on the relevant ideas that can be added to make the process a success.

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The stories of various populations and institutions around the world need to be told to make this objective a success and reap results from the same that align with sustainable development. To fully bring people to an understanding of water development another aim should be relative to maintaining a consistent teaching process that can renew skills as well as habits to ensure that the knowledge of these strategies does not go to waste in the years to come. The leaders in charge of such projects also have to be involved in ensuring that the processes are a success and that they are fit for execution which is also a part of the educational objective. All leaders have to be knowledgeable and the ability to showcase the proposal will increase a need for extensive knowledge in water resource management and the right strategies that can be used to ensure that the knowledge is maintained.

The proposal looks to eradicate any calamities that reduce the accessibility and the availability of water to the people around. This will be done by an integration and execution of all the processes that are aligned with the aims and objectives of research thesis proposal. This aims at ensuring strict and more responsible leadership strategies. The strategies have to be implemented in every sector that has links to water development or mass water production altogether.

Key Themes

The key themes for this proposed project have to be strategic to the aims and objective of the whole proposal. The first theme is the type of management strategies that are directly designed to combat situations relative to water. The first part of the theme is to ensure that development context is planned in order to have easier strategies to deal with and also be a part of. The other part is to come up with a theoretic approach that defines the stages and all the purposes and roles that are played by these stages. Having this theme means that there is an approach on economic efficiency and also the matters relative to the social and environmental set-ups for the sake of sustainability. The final step is to put into detail the outcomes relative to development.

The other theme is relative to urban water demands. This them will create a strategy based on the challenges and limited resources as well as an increase in demand. The other part of this theme will entail the analysis of sustainability and the environmental requirements for the water development projects to suffice and be of unwavering help to the various communities that are affected by the situation. This will also entail the protection of all of the vulnerable aquifers against contamination through an increased awareness of the same (Zheng et al, 2016). The last theme will be concerning various areas and the issues that have been raised over time concerning the wetlands and the factors needed in order to solve the issues altogether. There has to be a sensible approach to the similar situations while also taking into consideration the instruments that are used to ensure that the approach is accurate and relevant at the moment it is introduced into the thematic experiment for the sake of growth and also increase in purposeful development strategies.

The various conflicts have to be quickly turned into opportunities in order to ensure that the responses to water challenges are more urgent and more expected by those involved in the same. The themes are very reliable in setting the necessary expectations for the results of the research proposal. This will determine the instruments and the outcome of the same instruments that are used in ensuring that a clear cut opportunity towards sustainable development is maintained.

Methodology for the Study

The first method will be the use of the Integrated water management plan which entails a list of helpful strategies that will ascertain success in any of the work done towards ensuring that the water development and sustainability project goes further into becoming the most successful project. This method will take more the strategy of an approach more than it will take that of a method. The strategy taken will be able to ensure that all and specific developmental problems are addressed in an effort to solve the issues that are aligned with water resource management and those that are an effect of the same. The second method will adapt from the first by ensuring that the approach does not leave out certain important areas and the people involved. This is mainly because the management of water is effective and engages people with the society’s goals in accordance to what they require the most and also what they yearn to see for a change.

The methodology will constitute a skill towards good water governance to act as a quiet campaign for the right activities to take place as well as the right people to be involved in the same (Bailey, Gates & Romero, 2015). This means that these methods have to promise the sustained and collective effort of the people as well as the engagement to the activities to ascertain their ability to withstand certain challenges and be a part of the greater solution that is existent. There are also some pragmatic and sensible approaches that will come up as a result of the main method which involves a strategic and contextual aspect of the whole picture and the necessary factors that make it increase in terms of the realistic contextual concepts that serve as a great contribution. The other method will be to conduct a study of various regions and extract data on their water management solutions as well as the results that have been evident in the area. The most engaging and necessary activities are to be given an upper hand and also made to be the best among all the necessary approaches use. These methods break down the capability to engage policies and ensure that they are measured and maintained as well.

Ethical issues anticipated

The climate change and its impacts toward the hydrological patterns as well as the resources for fresh water have to meet all water demands and standards. There are several legal regimes that have been currently constructed in an effort to manage water and also show some sustainable aspects that will stabilise and renew the resources without any causal damages or negative effects. The relevant and indelible relationship that human beings have with water has to be maintained and an effort exerted towards ensuring that there are standards maintained along with the same. The water is a necessary resource for stability as well as general development strategies that are incorporated in a human being’s daily journey. The first thing to note is that there are water policies that address the various changes that take place when it comes to hydrological factors.

The ethical issues anticipated will therefore be based on the demand of water as well as the policies that are not aligned with this factor. The priority given in the absence of climate change is the water policy reform and without this, it may become a source of ethical issues that are discounted as some of the imbalanced and necessitated complications to maintain a certain level of growth and implementation of strategies as well. The water rights and also water uses may be come contested in the case where water has been counted as not being enough. There are a complex series of complications when it comes to human relation with water (Mueller et al, 2012). This means that they are inclined to have a complex relationship with ethics and values.

The ethical standards have to be maintained in order to achieve the various goals that are set and the necessary factors that are meant to be present to influence certain important activities as well. There are water laws that may come into play in order to ensure that the principles are well protected and also that they do not abandon the strategies created for water resource management in very specific areas as well. The ethical framework has to do with the set of policies that promote particular values and these values are meant to work out the strategic measures while providing necessary solutions to basic aspects of water management.

Potential risks of the research

There are several risks that may arise from the research with the consideration that water is of high value as an automatic achievement due to its life giving properties and also an approach in sustenance. The first risk is that the values that are ascribed to water management and the approaches used are not similar in every situation (Romero et al, 2016). There are values that are differently but appropriately approached to ensure that the factors that accompany these risks are relevant to the various approaches used in the beginning. There are pluralistic frameworks that do not fully encourage the management of water and the resources relevant to the same. There are frameworks that seek to be more inclusive and are a factor for the least risks and the most influential habits altogether. There are legal pluralistic views that do not necessarily give the answer to who should maintain a certain aspect of the water management propensities in order to ensure that they are not equivalent to any other resource management strategy. The problem that arises with the issues are not consistent with the laws upon which certain demands are made.

The relevance of the risks involved is that they can be controlled not to averse to litigation due to a lack of resources that is used to govern the necessary factors. The management of water resources considers the fact that with water, there are certain heterogeneous factors that come to play and are used to create demand for power in social and economic settings in regard to water. This may risk the lowered water supply and also be in a position to stop a resolve of the same without necessarily owning it or having rights to the same in possession. There are highly advantaged positions for those belonging to the class of the wealthy. The holder of water rights is then inclusive on creating generalised and a series of irrational costs to areas where the poorest water reports emanate from. The factors need to be secured in order to prevent further risk from the same. There are highly advantageous positions for the wealthy.

Work plan for the Proposed Study

The reason for the creation of this work plan is to ensure that all the strategies put in to the project are relevant and provide a sense of progress for the management of water resources even in the actual world. The institutions that have been affected by low water resources have to be revived and a plan created. The project will be to ensure that water management is taken seriously and the necessary input is put into ensuring that the project is a success.

The goals and objectives have to be in line with the realistic data collected throughout the project. This means that the data collected has to be precise and create a solution for the necessary aspects that the project focuses on. This means that for the objectives, the main purpose is to ensure that all the elements of the research create a map for the solutions to be implemented and the strategies to be put in place in order to implement.

The exact plan for the objectives has to ensure that all institutions receive the ideas that are brought forth. The other is to ensure that the data collected is put into relevant relatable sections depending on the area from which they are collected. To achieve this goals, all institutions must have a leader whose work is to present the progress reports and show a 500% increase in the daily positive activities. These objectives are relevant in maintaining a growth report.

The resources to be availed for this objectives to be achieved and goals reached are such as institutions with a common focus and a role to play in water management. The project also requires an in depth knowledge of the laws and the risks that are to be encountered during the project.


The activities involved in water management are often done from a local level and may involve a number of farmers whose objective is to ensure that the waters from their streams can be brought to their village in one way or another. The locals always seek a safe and reliable source for use and also a way to ensure that they do not carelessly dispose of water. This can be extended to a much wider area and practices done in an effort to establish a wider foundation and also cooperate in the future. This is mainly because of the local cooperation that is seen and how effectively it has worked towards ensuring that there is a consistent supply of water and the values placed on the same are consistent with what needs to be achieved. There are cases of regions where the largest water users can be found within the country. The impacts of water management are not only limited to agriculture and drinking water. They go beyond these factors and several cases of areas have shown that. The project has to ensure that this also brought to realisation by the focus that is paid on the strategies and the implementation plans that are availed to the same. The livelihood benefits acquired in an area mostly reflect on the environmental gains that are within the place and the results that come with various innovations. The local cases are an illustration of the point that challenges relative to water can often be resolved and addressed through an arrangement of the sectors needed to improve on the same. There are links between different levels of action and the cases that have been put together to create a sense of improvement in water management.


  1. Bailey, R.T., Gates, T.K. and Romero, E.C., 2015. Assessing the effectiveness of land and water management practices on nonpoint source nitrate levels in an alluvial stream–aquifer system. Journal of contaminant hydrology, 179, pp.102-115.
  2. Mueller, N.D., Gerber, J.S., Johnston, M., Ray, D.K., Ramankutty, N. and Foley, J.A., 2012. Closing yield gaps through nutrient and water management. Nature, 490(7419), p.254.
  3. Romero, E., Garnier, J., Billen, G., Peters, F. and Lassaletta, L., 2016. High N retention in Mediterranean catchments enhanced by water management practices.
  4. Zheng, H., Li, Y., Robinson, B.E., Liu, G., Ma, D., Wang, F., Lu, F., Ouyang, Z. and Daily, G.C., 2016. Using ecosystem service trade‐offs to inform water conservation policies and management practices. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 14(10), pp.527-532.


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