Essays on Art Movement

The Art Nouveau Movement In Architecture: Defining Features

Composed of a brilliant and wildly diverse array of designs, the Art Nouveau movement dates roughly from 1880 to 1910, yet the nine years, from 1895 to 1904, represent the critical period of important output. It includes a wide spectrum of individual and city-centre styles (Glasgow, Brussels, Paris, Nancy, Barcelona, Munich, Darmstadt, Vienna and Prague),...
1323 Words 3 Pages

The Notion Of Orientalism In Edward Said's Ideas

One of the most significant and pioneer contributions of the veteran Edward Said has been his book “Orientalism” in the field of literature. Said was a professor of literature at the prestigious Columbia University, and a founder of the academic field of postcolonial studies apart from being a public intellectual. His book has been extremely...
663 Words 1 Page

Modernism Vs. Postmodernism: Definitions, Features And Ideas Dominating The Society

It is difficult to get unambiguous and understandable definitions of modernism and postmodernism. Modernism began around the time of the second industrial revolution (1870-1920), this was made evident by the decline of stable social classes, the beginning of professionalism, and ‘a sense of urban alienation’ (Matteo, 2018). “Postmodernism refers to cultural phenomena with certain characteristics...
2238 Words 5 Pages

The Idea Of Paranoia As A Postmodernist Feature In Thomas Pynchon's Historical Fiction Bleeding Edge

Introduction Postmodern literature is distinguished with the use of metafiction, undependable narration and narrators, fragmentation, paradox, unrealistic plots, parody, paranoia and dark humor. This style of writing came up in the U.S. in the 1960s through the writings of Kurt Vonnegut, Thomas Pynchon, and John Barth. Postmodern authors reject outright meanings in their literary works...
2020 Words 4 Pages
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