Essays on Art Movement

Henri Matisse's The Joy Of Life As An Example Of Fauvism

The Joy of Life In 1906, Henri Matisse completed in what is regularly viewed as his most prominent Fauve painting. It is a huge scale painting portraying an Arcadian scene loaded up with splendidly hued woods glade, ocean, and sky and populated by bare figures both very still and in movement. Similarly as with the...
576 Words 1 Page

Alex Katz: The Evolution Of Artistic Style

Alex Katz is an American artist specializing in simplified portraits and landscapes, also known for his large-scale paintings on a monochrome background. Katz’s artistic career began in New York in the 1950s, at the time when Abstract Expressionism was the most vigorous. He responded to the abstract style of the dominant trend at the time...
2087 Words 5 Pages

The Influence Of Postmodernism On Contemporary Art

The controversy of postmodernism has been widely discussed for decades of years and it is still mentioned among architects and artists nowadays. Postmodernism was the term given to the ‘complex contemporary socioeconomic, cultural, political, and technological transformations,’ that ‘did not merely represent a temporary interruption of longer-term developmental patterns but indicated the emergence of distinctively...
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Fauvism: Characteristics And Major Artists

Fauvism is defined as a style of painting with vivid expressionistic and non-naturalistic use of color that flourished in Paris from 1905 and, although short-lived, had an important influence on subsequent artists, especially the German expressionists. Key artists that contributed heavily to this movement were Henri Matisse, André Derain, and Georges Braque. Some major characteristics...
1368 Words 3 Pages

The Features Of Art Nouveau In Gustave Klimt's The Kiss

Art Nouveau means the new art and this movement took place in countries all over the world. The movement began in 1861 when the Arts and Crafts movement wanted there to be a closer relationship between decorative arts and fine arts. They also wanted to make sure they showed more function and nature in their...
559 Words 1 Page

The Reflection Of Social Contexts In Contemporary Art

I will be looking at the relation and concerns between social contexts and contemporary art. There have been so many pieces of contemporary artwork that can be related to social contexts. These pieces often referred to and understood as social art. These pieces can send powerful messages via the social platform, they can be interpreted...
2329 Words 5 Pages

The Transformation And Advancement Of Renaissance Art

Over time, art has evolved and changed in meaning. However, one specific period created a revolutionary and permanent world shift known as the Renaissance (“Renaissance Style”). This profound era, during the 15th and 16th centuries, marked a fundamental change in artistic and creative visions and gave way to the transformation of traditional thought and action....
1164 Words 3 Pages
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