Essays on Art Movement

The Art Nouveau Movement In Architecture: The Most Prominent Buildings

Ever since it began, architecture was the process of planning, designing and building as it led on towards many architectural styles to be enhanced through time. After a dramatic progression of architectural design, the Art Nouveau movement was introduced. The style thrived between 1890 and 1910 throughout predominantly Europe and the United States where it...
1962 Words 4 Pages

Andy Warhol: The Pioneer Of Pop Art

Everyone’s heard of Andy Warhol, famous for pioneering the 1960’s movement of pop art and his commercialisation of everyday objects and celebrities. Following WW2, Warhol captured the mass production and consumer culture boom through his art. Most notably, his Campbell’s Soup Cans (1962) piece which summarises these ideas. Warhol painted thirty-two canvases of Campbell’s soup...
881 Words 2 Pages

Contemporary Art And Spirituality

Modern day art can be described as a spiritual by virtue of its revelatory, revitalising and contemplative capacities. However rather than reminiscing on the relationship between modern day art and religion, one should ponder on, the nature of the dialogue between art and spirituality, how do the two come together and what form and medium...
689 Words 2 Pages

The Influence Of Pop Art And Pop Colours In Architecture

‘Architecture that is popular with people is usually termed as pop architecture’ (‘Encyclopedia. Com, 2019’). Pop art as a movement started in the 1950’s post World War II and took nearly twenty years to become a part of mainstream architecture . This essay intends to talk about buildings that fall under the category of pop...
1638 Words 4 Pages

Said's Interpretation Of Orientalism And Its Consequences

Forty-two years after its first publication, the groundbreaking text by Said (1978), Orientalism provides a counterpoint for the imperial discourse about the non-Western Other, the Orient against the Occident. It is a rounded critique of the West’s representation of the East as an inferior, exotic, uncivilized, and a primitive “Other” which was illustrated both theoretically...
1207 Words 3 Pages

The Interpretation And Forms Of Contemporary Art

Some of us might enjoy admiring art, some of us have no clue as to what it means and if you are a curious soul, you might want to know what it means. Art is, when boiled down to a basic meaning, a means of communication and each artist has a language of his own...
1212 Words 3 Pages

A Critique Of Edward Said's Orientalism (al-Azm, Bernard Lewis, Robert Irwin)

The definition of the term Orientalism has been devised by Palestinian and intellectual critic, Edward Said in 1978. Said composed a deep criticism on Western Oriental studies and how the concept of ‘Orientalism’ and the image of the ‘Oriental Other’ was scheme of imaginative fictions; created by the European-West to justify colonial dominance and imperial...
2433 Words 5 Pages
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