Artificial Intelligence from Philosophical Perspective and Technological Development

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In this document the subject of artificial intelligence will be presented, which has been a topic of discussion for more than 50 years, either from a philosophical perspective or from technological development that increasingly brings us closer to the possibility of generating artificial intelligence. comparable to that of the human being.

KEYWORDS: artificial intelligence, intelligence, AI, computing, learn.

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THE INTELLIGENCEThere are several concepts of intelligence considered either from the critical or the philosophical aspect from the possibility that intelligence can be learned or it is a set of human being capabilities that make it unique; The most generalized definition of intelligence is considered the ability to learn, process information and solve problems from it, so it is considered that technology would have the ability to generate artificial intelligence, but despite technological progress it is not possible to know if a consciousness can be developed that is a fundamental part of intelligence and that allows us to discern between different options beyond logical thinking and that is considered a characteristic of the brain and that has not been simulated, despite this it is considered a artificial intelligence if it is able to learn.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence or AI is part of the systems smart so it belongs mostly to the branch of computing or computing but also to the systems that make the operation of the same is the study of both hardware and of the software that enable the simulation of a intelligence similar to that of humans; but depending on the approach, if it is rationalist it is based on the use of computational models to study the mental abilities; and the humanistic approach is to generate an intelligence capable of learn, solve problems and make decisions.

Godel Theorem

A formal system is used which uses characters and symbols that follow rules; in the theorem of Godel, in which each letter is given a number of the alphabet, then a rule is created that of the same way as the letters of the alphabet assign a number to each proposition and of equal way to assign a number to a chain of propositions but logically so one proposition is the result of another and you known as Godel numbering.

Intelligence And Awareness

Through an exercise it aims to demonstrate that although a computer can answer us the questions we ask do not mean that be smart or aware; he example is called ‘The Chinese box’ was proposed by J. Searle and says if a person who only knows English is in a room that contain Chinese symbols but exist manuals in English if from outside others people who only speak Chinese would make a written question, the person who only speaks English would be able to answer the questions following the manuals in English giving the sensation to outsiders who knows the language however the person inside does not know the language but simply this following instructions so it is said that computer reactions is similar since although they give the impression of intelligence are only following processes logical and rules so they don’t have a real intelligence but remains a simulation so the Turin test is not applicable not only because of limitations previous but for the lack of a real conscience that is expected to develop in the future next.

Brain Simulator

Although we are able to reproduce a neuronal synapse perfectly so that understand and respond in the same language it also wouldn’t mean that he is smart put that despite being handled in the same language could just as well be following a set of rules and orders more complex but similarly without understanding the message that was transmitted


Currently with advances both in improvement of logical models, of programmable languages ​​and the advancement in electronics and miniaturization from this you can find artificial intelligence in different components or objects of life daily, being the best known and for which has as its main objective the development of AI the thefts that although currently they don’t have a fast movement and natural but gross or not regular are able to learn and interpret information and solve problems although of a degree of difficulty relatively low however every time it improves and more closely resembles human characteristics; but it’s not AI just for the simulating robots to humans but you can also find in dolls, robot dogs that although in a limited way they also possess IA.

Home Automation

Home automation currently has AI not only for interactions with the user but also in the simple decision making, recognition of people or consumption regulation energy while the occupants don’t they find; in computer development in the creation of hybrid web technology systems and computational intelligence that is capable to interpret and make decisions regarding certain information; in addition to development of electronic elements able to help in medicine adjusting to the user, and also in electronic devices for communications, satellite tracking or agendas electronic.


Artificial Intelligence is a field very broad that encompasses philosophy, logic, Mathematics among others.

The artificial intelligence criterion it depends on the point of view chosen for give a proper definition for that criterion since they are different one of the other, but nevertheless all seek basically achieve intelligence simulated to be able to learn, Interpret and make decisions.

Although currently the machines they give the impression of intelligence I don’t know can you say they are smart put They are still simulations.

With the development of technology the artificial intelligence has advanced enormously however I still don’t know resembles human intelligence to although there are processes that a machine can perform better than being The Turin test has not yet been checked in a practical way due to the limitations that the computers despite the appearance of owning intelligence

Currently artificial intelligence does not happens to be a simulation of human reactions and thoughts to through different algorithms.


  1. J. Haugeland, La inteligencia articial. Siglo XXI, 1988.
  2. ] P. H. Winston, H. F. Samaniego, C. L. León, and U. Cortés, Inteligencia articial, 1994.
  3. G. P. Martinsanz and M. S. Peñas, Inteligencia articial e ingeniería del conocimiento, México: Alfaomega, 2006.
  4. Intelligence, S. J. Russell, and P. Norvig, Articial Intelligence A Modern Approach.


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