Essays on Dualism

Descartes Ideas On Substance Dualism

Substance dualism is a concept in philosophy that primarily revolves around the existence of the body and the mind. Based on this concept, the mind and the body are two different substances that exist independently of each other, and this is a perspective that René Descartes seems to agree with to a great extent. Descartes,...
963 Words 2 Pages

Dualism And Christianity: Comparative Analysis

The beliefs of Christianity and the framework of the theory, Dualism, are very similar. Both Christianity and Dualism focus on a nonmaterial soul and a material body. The framework of Dualism is that the mind and soul are no longer connected, they exist separately, but they also can interact (Shireav, 2015, pg. 78). The physical...
815 Words 2 Pages

Concept Of A Dualistic Cosmos In Brie Gertler's Work

What is the pertinence between the mind (nonphysical) and the body (physical)? Are they two separate individual entities as many dualists believe or they are connected as one thing? Brie Gertler says in her essay In Defense of Mind-Body Dualism that the mind and the body are not one thing, yet they share similar aspects....
820 Words 2 Pages
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