Essays on Emotions & Feelings

Mill’s Concept of Freedom: Critical Analysis

Mill’s concept of freedom changed the way people viewed its relationship with the government. In this essay, I will be addressing Mill’s views on freedom with specific interest on freedom of speech. Mill’s definition of freedom is the best one there is, but it is not perfect. Mill’s solutions to the problems that occur with...
2457 Words 5 Pages

Childlessness and Norms of Familial Responsibility in the Netherlands

This article usually talks about the relationship of childness upon family norms in Netherlands Despite old thoughts of the childless, research held addressed whether the childless feel less responsible for others compared to people who have children in comparison to social norms. from the research this data is found saying among women born in the...
553 Words 1 Page

Consumerism and the Environmental Movement: Is Social Responsibility a Cultural Trend

The rise of the environmental topics and the promotion of the ‘social responsibility’ objective have been followed by public institutions and the media with a renewed interest in the sphere of consumption. Increasingly perceptible in the 1990s, this interest has continued since, whereby the credibility of mainstream consumption activities is now being questioned by various...

Gender, Peace and International Law: Localising the Women, Peace and Security Agenda

“War? Don’t speak to me of war! My daily life is battlefield enough.” [1: quote from Cynthia Cockburn 2004, 43] Feminist theorisation on war, militarisation and peace has foregrounded a “continuum of violence” in women’s lives.[footnoteRef:2] Rejecting simplified binaries of war and peace, prewar and postwar, feminist scholarship argues that women continue to experience violence...
3649 Words 8 Pages

Nazis' Responsibility for the Holocaust: Analytical Essay

The Holocaust was the result of popular opinion of distaste towards Jews who were blamed, by the influential Nazi party, for the devastation of Germany, and especially for their loss at war. Within this there are three schools of thought: The Holocaust was the result of the contribution and influence made by other leading Nazi...
3125 Words 7 Pages

Prosocial Spending and Happiness: Literature Review

Prosocial spending can be defined as the act of spending ones money and/or time on other people. The positive effect that prosocial spending has on wellbeing has been a widely researched phenomenon, and it seems as though many agree on their conclusions. The following essay will compare four scientific journals and their approach to this...
1284 Words 3 Pages
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