Essays on Emotions & Feelings

Respect Versus Disrespect to Officer: Opinion Essay

I have been assigned to write this paper because I have disrespected a non commissioned officer, higher up, and senior or superior enlisted officer. I do apologize for what I did and had said. I have learned from what I have done and the mistakes that I chose to me and, I truly understand why...
1607 Words 4 Pages

Freedom in Making Choices and Decisions: Analytical Essay

Making decisions is simple, yet these abstract thoughts are responsible for all aspects of everyday life. This process gives humans the ability to create a unique life path and influence the paths of others. Since choices are not made in a vacuum, it is important that people understand potential consequences carried by their decisions. Therefore,...
1173 Words 3 Pages

Themes of Fear and Guilt ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens: Scrooge's Change of Heart

In the novella, ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens, the themes of fear and guilt are utilised to exhibit the development of the protagonist, Scrooge. Personal attributes such as cold-hearted and selfish prolong his distaste of Christmas which refers to the bourgeois in the eighteen-forties who were ignorant and treated the proletariat without respect. The...
905 Words 2 Pages

Mine Versus Ours: Opinion Essay on Respect to Others

Abstract This paper is a compare and contrast of the NASW code of ethics, I go over some key examples and compare similarities to my own values as well as contrast the differences. As a social worker you must abide by the NASW code of ethics and I feel if you don’t you really shouldn’t...
1179 Words 3 Pages

Freedom in Poem Exile by Julia Alvarez: Poetry Analysis Essay

The theme of a written work is known as the moral or lesson meant to be learned from that certain work. That varies from every written work to the next one, so themes often rely on the literary techniques that the author’s use. Authors can use any literary techniques such as similes and onomatopoeia to...
1177 Words 3 Pages

Reflection on Respect for the History of Other Cultures

There are many ways that cultural practices can be acceptable, however, many other people may draw the line and find these cultural practices as offensive. First off, there are three different types of ways that culture is spread; cultural exchange, cultural appropriation, and assimilation. Cultural exchange occurs when people and groups of other backgrounds share...
810 Words 2 Pages

Reflection on Seligman’s Theory to Authentic Happiness

Everyone wants to live “the good life” but in order to do so we need to learn what happiness truly means to us as humans. We desire happiness as it is human nature to do so. Happiness is deeply connected to the concept of ethics and morality. These are rules, laws and obligations we follow...
1847 Words 4 Pages
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