Endangered Species: What Is Causing The Endangerment Of Animals

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What is causing the endangerment of animals?

Covering the world, in both land and sea, there are hundreds of thousands of species of animals. Everywhere where you turn there is some kind of wildlife. From birds to lions, they all play a part in the ecosystem and help keep this world alive. Sadly, many species which once flourished, now have dwindling numbers, some rapidly deceasing, after 5 major extinctions, organisations are quickly doing all they can to prevent anymore. Unfortunately, some species such as the Amur Leopard and Javan Rhino have slipped into the critically endangered section as their numbers reached as low as 68-84 in the wild. So many things can put these animals in jeopardy, both natural and human. As a species becomes extinct it can have a great effect on the ecosystem. As soon as one thing drops from the cycle then another animal is affected and, in turn, another animal. These animals also hold a great educational, scientific and historical value to this world and the people living on it.

Research Method

In order to complete the research for this task a survey was sent out to a range of staff and students at Tenison Woods College, as well as a select number of people in the outside community. A total of 12 responses to the survey which was sent out to a wide number of students, teachers and people outside of school were gathered and analysed (results included in appendix). Websites (referenced below) were also used in gathering information surrounding endangered species. When the websites were being searched, they were checked to make sure they were reliable and came from a quality source.

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Environmental Issue

Causes – As mentioned earlier, there are two areas which the causes for species becoming endangered stems from, natural causes and human causes. Natural causes consist of floods, bushfires, volcanos, tornado and tsunamis. The unlucky thing about natural causes is that there is no real way to prevent them from occurring. As humans we are able to predict when their effects are growing closer, giving us the opportunity to evacuate. Sadly, this isn’t the case for every living creature, creating death and destruction throughout the animal habitats. Unfortunately, human causes should be a lot easier to stop as we, as humans, are in control of our actions. We are able to realise the effect of our actions and yet, these causes are still a great contributor to endangered species. Some of these include deforestation, hunting, tourism and population growth. Deforestation is a huge issue and, despite being broadcasted worldwide, hasn’t changed and isn’t showing any signs of slowing down in the near future. Through the destroying of the forests they are destroying so many animals’ homes which is in turn causing them to die, running their numbers very low. Hunting is also another huge cause as pieces like elephants’ tusks or rhino horns are worth a lot of money when sold on the black market. These innocent creatures are hunted down, shot, have their tusks and horns removed before being left for dead. Animal cruelty acts like this aren’t uncommon. Often other endangered animals are shot just for being in the way or a mother may be killed leaving a baby which isn’t old enough to fend for itself. One of the last major impacts caused by humans is population growth. As our world population grows higher our city limits are expanding rapidly. This leads to the destruction of the surrounding nature and higher pollution levels.

Food chain – Through species becoming endangered, it can also throw the food chain and our ecosystem off balance. For example, if the Bengal Tiger (currently endangered) was to become extinct then their prey’s population would flourish and grow. Most likely, being herbivores, the plants in the surrounding area would begin to slowly die as that breed used them as their food source. As the plant diversity in that area decreases, the soil can become affected, as can the water and growth of other plants. Animal extinction can also effect the food chain as some breeds may play larger roles in keeping the food chain together. Some may act as seed dispersers and others help dispose of dead plants and animals.

Control methods/strategies

Worldwide there are many organisations that are determined to do everything in their power to stop animal cruelty and endangerment. There are fundraising organisations focused on educating with the goal of bringing a decline in tourism for events that involve animals being starved, beaten or forced to perform tricks. Some are focussed on breeding programs to help increase the population. Endangered animals’ habitats have been made into protected areas and poaching, hunting and killing of these animals is illegal. They have even begun painted elephants and rhinos’ horns and tusks bright pink meaning they become worthless to poachers. With all these efforts, especially the breeding programs, many species numbers are lifting rapidly and are being taken off the list. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen to a majority of endangered species as many populations are still in decline.

Future Recommendations

The many strategies put in place currently are working in some areas but are failing to stop some of the main causes, i.e. hunting.

In order to continue the good work surrounding helping endangered animals, a few more strategies must be put into place. Some recommendations include further public education, school programs, commercials on television/radio, social media posts, rangers giving talks at events and information books written especially for children.


In conclusion, all around the world there are many different causes that are affecting our planet. Whether they are human or caused by nature, it seems to be impossible to stop completely. Luckily there are so many options to promote the message about the cruelty surrounding endangered animals. Whether it be through education or advertisement, scientific discoveries or breeding programs, the word is slowly spreading, and action is being taken to save these beautiful species from extinction.


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