Essays on English Literature

How Is Good Vs. Evil Represented In Frankenstein?

Frankenstein is a story about what it means to be human, about the words spoken and actions performed as well as the choices we have chosen. The script was written by Mary Shelley and adapted by Phillip Pullman. Good Vs. Evil is represented in Frankenstein on a number of occasions. For example, a “good” character...
583 Words 1 Page

1984: Technologies As An Instrument Of Control

Technology, a familiar term heavily associated held as an integral part of our modern human experience. The invasion of technology into our lives is so overlooked that sometimes we underestimate our dependence on it, as well as the amount of free access to our information that other people may have. As I was studying 1984...
956 Words 2 Pages

The Ideas Of George Orwell As A Lens To Examine Rap Culture

George Orwell’s exploration of power, nationalism and politics through language can be used to explain current persisting systemic racial inequality and rising nationalism in the United States as expressed in popular culture of music (Orwell, 2000). Kanye West’s ‘Ye vs the People’ (West, Holland, Holland & Dozier, 2018) and Joey Bada$$’s ‘Land of the Free’...
2382 Words 5 Pages

Frankenstein: What Qualities Can Define A Human?

In Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, a key idea that was raised was the qualities that define a human. Whilst the monster is physically not human, he can be considered to possess more human qualities than his creator, ironically. It is clear that in this sense the monster perhaps deserves to be pronounced as the ‘protagonist’ of...
492 Words 1 Page

Pride And Prejudice: Social Issues In A Novel

Pride and Prejudice, a novel about how marriage and wealth can determine your worth in society, comments and ridicules values and attitudes, including classism, wealth and reputation, all of which were crucial aspects of a happy and prosperous life in the 18th century. Mr Bingley, Mr Darcy and the Bennet family which consist of Mr...
1203 Words 3 Pages

Pride And Prejudice: Issues Inherent In The Title

In her novel, Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen addresses that no one is completely free of pride by having each character display an extent of conceit. Elizabeth’s refusal to dance with Mr Darcy and Mr Collins’ reasonings as to why Elizabeth should marry him express an extent of pride. However, Austen also highlights that with...
921 Words 2 Pages

Comparison Of Homer’s Odyssey And Joyce’s Ulysses

Homer’s Odyssey, Joyce’s Ulysses defines an exploration of consciousness or of inner life, this entails a preference for an anti-hero, or at any rate a hero that doesn’t recognise a heroes of earlier novels, in addition of a length exploration and venture into a wide-scope of subject matter that, while a part of normative and...
843 Words 2 Pages

King Lear: References To Aristotelian Tragedy

The Aristotelian tragedy of King Lear serves as a device to reflect Shakespeare’s context while resonating with a modern audience. It is the skilful use of universal themes and organic unity within the construction of Shakespeare’s King Lear that not only reflects Jacobean concerns of the time but also allows the text to maintain its...
883 Words 2 Pages

Comparison Of Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland And Coraline

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (AAiW) is a novel written by Lewis Carroll. It tells a story of a young girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole, soon discovering a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. On the other hand, Coraline is a film directed by Henry Selick, based upon an adventurous girl...
1807 Words 4 Pages
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