Essays on English Literature

Mythology In Harry Potter

Throughout the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling created a magical world full of creatures, characters, events, and objects known across the world. While her imagination played a major role in crafting these novels, she did use more than just that to craft the names, creatures, and story elements of the series. Rowling’s degree in classics...
1223 Words 3 Pages

Historical Analysis Of Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal

Jonathan Swift is one of the best satirists of English literature. His Juvenalian satirical essay, A Modest Proposal is considered the best satirical work of all time. It is an austere essay, with a preposterous proposition, making the enormity of the desperate situation the Irish nation was in crystal clear to anyone who reads it....
1553 Words 3 Pages

Theme Of Betrayal In Medea And Ozymandias

The short play “Medea” and the poem “Ozymandias,” both emphasize the same theme of betrayal. Both the poem and the play show the ability to make the audience feel sympathy for Medea and the sculptor in Ozymandias. The acts of betrayal that are shown in both of these readings are similar but are expressed in...
451 Words 1 Page

The Link Between Ozymandias And Macbeth

In the poem “Ozymandias”, written by Percy Bysshe Shelley, the entirety of the poem can be related to Shakespeare’s, Macbeth. Ozymandias and Macbeth seem to share many beliefs and similar attitudes. The first and most obvious similarity between Macbeth and Ozymandias is their status as “kings”. It is clear that Ozymandias ruled a kingdom and...
418 Words 1 Page

Lamb To The Slaughter: Comparison Of The Book And The Movie

When one does not receive the same unconditional love that is given, revenge is often seemingly a fit solution. In many cases, one is misguided by emotions that overpower one’s ability to make sensible decisions. However, in instances where someone who is in a presumably loving relationship murders their husband, irony makes it evident that...
1335 Words 3 Pages

Lamb To The Slaughter: Marital Crime

The Dahl Roald genre is more of a dark humor type of short story. Coming from a rough childhood, I strongly believe that it influences how he writes. The beginning of ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ starts off with the author describing the setting as well as stating the emptiness in the house. Emphasizing that marriage...
633 Words 1 Page

Bleak House: Urban Poverty Of Dickens

Dickens supplies a realistic depiction of poverty in the Victorian era in his novel Bleak House. This essay will argue that Dickens critiques society’s neglect of the urban poverty of mid-Victorian Britain through social inequality in Bleak House. This novel is therefore a social critique by emphasising how the English legal system is failing in...
2010 Words 4 Pages
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