Essays on English Literature

Ozymandias: Literary Techniques And Devices

Shelley’s “Ozymandias” does use irony to explore the temporary nature of things. Specifically, the use of literary devices and word choice in the poem suggests the theme of power and human nature’s inability to last forever. The author uses strong and specific vocabulary to paint a vivid image of the atmosphere to show the theme...
990 Words 2 Pages

War Of The Worlds: Movie Adaptations Of The Novel

The eminently distinguished novel and the most anticipated film of 1953, War of the Worlds (1953) had substantial expectations. Stemming from the science fiction novel by English author, H.G. Wells, its evaluated that the use of technologies and institutions have affected the overall context of the final production. The global invasion prototype and including aliens...
1794 Words 4 Pages

Wuthering Heights: Ideas Revealed In The Novel

Wuthering Heights is a Gothic-fiction classic written by novelist Emily Brontë (30 July 1818 – 19 December 1848) about a man named Lockwood who rents Thrushcross Grange, one of two manors which his bitter landlord, Heathcliff, owns. He asks his housekeeper, Nelly Dean, about the story behind Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange and she narrates...
473 Words 1 Page

Social Darwinism And Its Role In A Christmas Carol

Social Darwinism is disharmony among social groups. The idea that the rich or those who have a higher quality of education are somehow better and more powerful than the poor or those who are unschooled or uncultured. I feel there is a misconception that the rich work harder and the poor are just lazy. You...
716 Words 2 Pages

A Hanging: Story Analysis

It is truly said by Norman Cousins “Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live”. In the story “A Hanging” writer George Orwell wants to represent his feelings about an incident that happened in Burma jail. The title of the story indicates Capital punishment....
446 Words 1 Page

1984: The Devices To Manipulate Society

  1984 is a dystopian novel written by George Orwell. It is the best and the most terrifying novel as it shows a future in which government controls the whole population with technology and reprogramming of their minds. The novel shows what horrifying deeds individuals will do when given too much power. Orwell’s 1984 is...
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The Significance Of Repression In Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

Repression of objectionable traits is a frequent practice within a strict society. People who possess characteristics seen as undesirable by those around them are often pressured to conceal these aspects of themselves. Robert Louis Stevenson’s novella, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, tells of Henry Jekyll, a scientist, living during the rigid-mannered Victorian...

Growth And Treasure: Ways To Show The Growth Of The Main Character

Everyone has always fantasized about adventures that can be found in coming-of-age novels, such as Treasure Island. The author of Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson, wrote the novel after a treasure map he drew while on vacation and dedicated it to his stepson, a vivid reader with an extensive imagination. In the novel Treasure Island,...
1956 Words 4 Pages
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