Essays on Language and Linguistics

Afrikaans: Current Language Policies Of South Africa

This paper will discuss the past and current language policies of South Africa and how the influence of English is aiding the demise of indigenous languages; shown through various articles and research from South African and other world linguistics. Currently, South Africa has eleven official languages. An official language can be defined as a language...
684 Words 2 Pages

The Effects Of Aging On Speech: Profanity

The following essay presented aims to discuss the hypothetical situation of an individual of younger age being casted to play an elderly woman. More specifically this paper aims to demonstrate the method in which said individual may use a variety of linguistic features in order to authentically portray an appropriate age identity for role they...
2233 Words 5 Pages

Semiotics: The Study Of How Signs Generate Meaning

In broad terms, semiotics is the study of how signs, (language, images, objects) generate meaning or the processes by which we comprehend the meaning. Challenging concepts such as naturalism and realism, semiotics looks beyond the study of symbolism, exploring the result of complex inter-relationships between the individual, the image or object and other factors such...
520 Words 1 Page

The Battle Between Semiotics And Phenomenology

The world we live in today is a world full of signs and symbols. Stop what you are doing right now and look up. If you are in your house, outside sitting on a park bench, or in the library, there are signs all around you. Signs that have underlying meanings in order to represent...
1307 Words 3 Pages

Advantages Of English Language As A Lingua Franca

Whether you call it the language prejudices or linguistic elitism, the belief that the ability to speak any language particularly makes one person completely superior to the other person is a danger to the society along with the fact that it is an inconsiderate of reality for the lesser pillaged people within the society. However,...
976 Words 2 Pages

English Language: The Process Of Language Change

Linguist Felicity Cox states, “Linguistic change runs parallel with social change”, this reflects the belief that language change is a result of societal change. There are many changes shown throughout history that have shaped the English language to what it is as we know it today, with the invention of the printing press and codification...
1009 Words 2 Pages

Second Language Acquisition: Summary Of Article 'The Relationship Between Learners’ Affective Variables And Second Language Achievement

A. Bibliography Alrabai,F., & Movkosky,C. (2016). The Relationship between Learners’ Affective Variables and Second Language Achievement. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ), Volume.7, Number.2, (p. 77-103). B. Introduction: Alrabai and Movkosky recognize the definitive connection between learners’ L1 and self-identity, as well as, how the interaction of a combination of factors and elements (including biological, cognitive...
2649 Words 6 Pages
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