Essays on Presidents of the United States

Dirty Tricks Of Richard Milhous Nixon

In today’s world, the name Richard Milhous Nixon is often synonymous with scandal and corruption. His opening of relations with China and lessening of Cold War tensions have been all but lost to history, at least amongst the American public. Many remember or think of Watergate as the main defining feature of Nixon, and that...
1489 Words 3 Pages

Lyndon B. Johnson And The Voting Rights Act

Selma is a historical drama film following the 1965 marches for voting rights from Selma to Montgomery. The film shows how men of color were being discriminated against and racially segregated in certain areas despite the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which makes it difficult for black citizens to vote. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr....
1140 Words 3 Pages

A Life Journey Of Abraham Lincoln

Life was hard on the frontier for Abraham Lincoln, yet he took it so well. Seeing his mother die helped him become a strong and compassionate young man. He had a passion for learning and studied as much as he could. Whenever his family moved, until he was 22, Abraham moved with them, and helped...
1427 Words 3 Pages

Thomas Jefferson: Was He A Hypocrite

Thomas Jefferson was a founding father as well as the third president of the United States of America, was born on April 13, 1743, in Virginia. Most people noways, some will little or no knowledge of him may know him as the primary author of the Declaration of Independence – a draft that was written...
512 Words 1 Page
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