Essays on Reproductive Health

The Link Between Birth Control And Woman Rights

As a woman, studying women’s rights all over the world is important, but specifically, as an American woman, studying my country’s unique history has inevitably been taught from a man’s perspective. When I learned about United States history through Advanced Placement classes in high school, I remember vividly envisioning a male-dominated world which was upsetting....
663 Words 1 Page

The Evolution Of Birth Control

The evolution of birth control technologies date back to 3000 BCE in Egypt, when condoms were first used. They were made from materials such as fish bladders, animal intestines, and linen sheaths. As well, in this time period, women practiced birth control by using ineffective and unsafe methods, such as sponges with soap suds and...
968 Words 2 Pages

Arguments Regarding Abortion As A Choice

Abortion shouldn’t have to be a topic of controversy or debate. Everyone should be aware of how abortion can affect and benefit everyone not just women. Society should be enlightened with the importance of abortion. Due to the fact that abortion has become illegal in many countries people are leaving their homelands in order to...
949 Words 2 Pages

Birth Control: Methods To Prevent Pregnancy

There comes a time where every woman starts becoming sexually active, they have to think about ways they can prevent pregnancy. Most females opt-in for birth control, however, there are multiple methods used to prevent pregnancy. Each method has its own pros and cons, yet it is up to the woman to choose which method...
1240 Words 3 Pages

Pro-choice Over Pro-life

The 1973 US Supreme Court decision in Roe v Wade marked a turning point in American jurisprudence with respect to women’s reproductive health rights. It established a legal safeguard against the state unnecessarily interfering with a woman’s right to decide her reproductive health outcomes within the broader context of her life goals. This pivotal ruling...
1938 Words 4 Pages

Why I Am Pro Choice

“The first rule of the politics of fear is that if you want to make something sound scarier than it actually is, you add the word culture at the end of it.” These words from Brendan O’Neill made made me shrewdly smile and nod. It’s true, of course. For instance, if you want people to...
1085 Words 2 Pages

Legalization Of Abortion

Legalization of Abortion  1. Introduction Abortion is one of the ways to end a woman’s pregnancy and it can be done either through taking medicines (up to 10 weeks) or by undergoing a surgery. This aims to prevent childbirth to happen due to woman’s incapability to cope with the process that might have herself at...
995 Words 2 Pages

Abortion And Ethical Dilemmas

Abortion is defined as “an intervention by a licensed clinician that is intended to terminate an ongoing pregnancy” (CDC, 2019). There are several types of abortions where the aspects of the procedure can differ by age, duration of pregnancy, medical conditions of mother and fetus, and geographical influences. The current law in the United States...
2235 Words 5 Pages

Abortion: General Issues And Main Causes

Abortion: General Issues Abortion is saying an end to pregnancy. Sometimes this is called ‘termination of pregnancy. It can either be done by taking pills or surgical. Different countries have different laws for abortion, some calls it illegal while others call it legal. Canada and USA are one of those few countries that allow women...
1118 Words 2 Pages

Argumentative Essay Regarding Pro-Choice Abortion

Abortion has been an ongoing controversial topic that divides the U.S. The issue began before the Roe V. Wade supreme case, but the case sparked a diversion throughout the country. It’s a constant battle between pro-life and pro-choice supporters nationwide. Abortions will take place whether there are restrictions or not, which is why it’s important...
1666 Words 4 Pages
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