Essays on Sociology

Globalisation and Cultural Deterritorialization: Traditions of Christmas Celebration

Introduction According to BBC, the business transaction of Alibaba on Single’s Day broke the record made by itself(2019). Thanks to the establishment of Alibaba, the Chinese consumers could do online shopping directly with the commercial tenants on a global scale, which has brought out economic benefits and transregional communications. Alexander pointed out that the increasing...

Critical Analysis of Marriage and Divorce in India

Abstract Marriages in India, as opposed to western countries, have always been a religious and sacred event that was looked upon to creating an inseparable bond between a man and woman. However, in the recent years, divorce rates in India are increasing; thus giving way for expectations from both parties to claim what was or...

Role of Welfare in Our Society: Analytical Essay

That is the role that individuals on welfare play in society and what is the welfare system doing to incentivize individuals to work towards a lifestyle that isn’t supported by welfare? Welfare plays a big role in our society today as it allows people to sustain themselves until they’re able to find a job to...
1526 Words 3 Pages

Child’s Development and Learning: Attachment Theory and Development of Secure Relationships

Assignment on Child’s Development D1: Provide a clear explanation of the process of attachment and the role of the key person to show understanding of: attachment theory and the development of secure relationships, the importance of attachment in relation to children’s emotional well-being and the role of the key person to work in partnership and...
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