Essays on Sustainability

Eco-Tourism And Its Role Of Sustainable Development In Sivagangai

Eco-the travel industry assumes an essential job in ecological contamination, natural life preservation, neediness allevation and financial improvement. It influences natural, social, financial parts of the network and the entire nation. Created just as creating nations, for example, Sivagangai, are advancing ecotourism for manageable advancement of the country. Because of the high pace of advantageous...

Sustainability Issues In Manufacturing Companies

Identify and analyse particular sustainability issues in the context of a multinational manufacturing company. Consider economic, social, and environmental sustainability perspectives, and use appropriate examples to illustrate your answer. Introduction Due to the increasing number of manufacturing companies and the cutthroat competition has forced them to engage every possible action to make profits and stand...
2399 Words 5 Pages

The Importance Of Sustainability In The Current Organizational Platform

As the world enters a new era, technology is increasingly utilized, the commercial landscape is changing to becoming more competitive with entities exploiting production inputs such as labour, capital and land with non-renewable resources diminishing at a rapid rate, causing the supply of factors of production to reduce drastically for businesses. This issue of scarcity...
1498 Words 3 Pages

Sustainability As The New Driver Of Innovation

As the world enters a new era, the commercial landscape is changing to becoming more competitive with entities exploiting production inputs such as labour and non-renewable resources diminishing at a rapid rate, causing the supply of factors of production to reduce drastically for businesses. This issue of scarcity of resources, climate change and global warming...
1281 Words 3 Pages

Critical Analyses Of Sustainability: Pros And Cons

1.0 Introduction Nowadays, sustainability has become an extremely topical issues in the modern 21st-century society as the world population continues to grow and technology evolve (Martin & Schouten, 2012). The concept of sustainability was brought to the attention of humanity during the 20th century. Sustainability is focused on meeting the present needs without compromising the...
1103 Words 2 Pages

Sustainable Fashion Innovations: Critical Analysis

Introduction As part of the exam for the course Innovation Today, we had the assignment to write an Innovation Report where we describe five innovative and inspiring cases within a chosen theme. My chosen theme for the innovation report is ‘sustainability within the fashion industry’. First of all, I am a keen lover of fashion,...
1243 Words 3 Pages

Basic Principles of Sustainable Fashion and Its Link with Aspects of Social Construction

Introduction Fashion connotes novelty and change (Kawamura 2005, pp.5–6), and it currently operates at an accelerated pace, with continuously shifting trends, fast manufacturing, endless shopping opportunities not bounded to time or place, coupled with cheap prices keeping today’s consumers easily in vogue. Although clothes offer us much more than just function – they may bring...
1823 Words 4 Pages

Cleaner Production And Sustainability: Shift Towards Steady State Economy

Sustainability Public awareness of environmental issues has increased in many countries as the anthropogenic impact on the environment become more apparent and environmental degradation worsens (Ehrlich and Ehrlich, pp. 2). Sustainability is widely recognized as the key concept in generating effective actions to solve these environmental problems such as depletion of natural resources, declining biodiversity,...
1523 Words 3 Pages
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