Essays on Art

Social And Contextual Perception Of Creativity

The perception of ‘the creative’ is not something seen as normal, typical or the average (Weiner, 2000). Creativity is a mechanism involving the creation of new concepts or novel associations with existing ones, where it may take the form of adaptation and alteration (Rudowicz, 2003). Nevertheless, only if a creative product or an idea is...
2545 Words 6 Pages

Minimalism In Typography And Graphic Design

In the 1960s, New York in the United States emerged as the centre of the international art scene, overtaking the devastated European market after World War II. It began to present works with the characteristics of simple, geometric form but without artistic content. Minimalist such as Donald Judd, Robert Morris, Dan Flavin, and Frank Stella...

Modernism In Architecture: Evolution And Principles

Introduction Before we can deduce and gauge the influential nature of modernism, we must first ask the question: what is modernism? The modernism movement was a philosophy, found not just in architecture, but in almost every aspect of society during the late nineteenth twentieth century. We cannot assign specific dates to the rise and fall...
2655 Words 6 Pages

August Bournonville And Marius Petipa: Styles And Ballet Techniques

The objective of this essay is to compare and contrast two different choreographers named Marius Petipa and August Bournonville. This essay also aims to explore the distinctive styles, techniques and ballets these choreographers produced, and to investigate what made them individually unique. Marius Petipa was one of the most influential figures of classical ballet, who...
1277 Words 3 Pages

Art History: Critical Review Of Permanent Revolution

Reading Art History. Permanent Revolution This chapter, “Permanent Revolution” by Gombrich is about the change from the Traditional to the Modern era. Gombrich has written a chapter that expresses the nineteenth-century revolution of art, aimed at younger readers. The text itself indicates the level of the reader at which Gombrich is aiming through Gombrich’s use...
1685 Words 4 Pages

Art History: Renaissance, Baroque And Rococo

Renaissance First, let us begin with the Renaissance period. “The Renaissance was a fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic “rebirth” following the Middle Ages. Generally described as taking place from the 14th century to the 17th century, the Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature, and art.” Editors, H. (2018, April...
1004 Words 2 Pages

My Perception Of Caravaggio’s Painting Medusa

Michelangelo Caravaggio’s painting Medusa caught my attention when I was researching for this assignment. The exact date of when the Medusa was painted is unclear but it is presumably 1597 or 1598 (The Art History). It was so different from Caravaggio’s other paintings but it still had that Caravaggio effect to it. The thing that...
757 Words 2 Pages

The Influence Of Japanese Art On Western Art

Introduction: My project work has led me to consider how Japanese art has influenced Western art, in particular the influence that it had on the Impressionist movement. Although the focus of my project has been on the feminist message in art, I also enjoyed being able to consider the multi-cultural aspects to this. Looking at...
2957 Words 6 Pages

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