Essays on Art

An Analysis Of Selfies And Their Relation To Crystal Abidin’s (2018) Concept, ‘porous Authenticity’

‘Does my ego look big in this?’ Mobile technologies and the widespread production and sharing of information in virtual communities introduced new frontiers of human communication, allowing visual images to emerge as a dominant form of social interaction. Meaningful to interpersonal communication and capable of provoking a range of responses, selfies are the most intimate...
2348 Words 5 Pages

Democratic Architecture Begins Where Diversity Unites

“Architecture Begins where diversity unites.” India is a land of cultural diversity and architecture is nothing but a manifesto of culture, which is the root of our identity. India has been a magnetic flux for every other region from the world which influenced India and its architectural vocabulary as well and resulted into an intricate...
1472 Words 3 Pages

Caravaggio’s Influence On Artists

Caravaggio’s influence in paintings is seen in the artworks of Gerrit van Honthorst, George de la Tour, and le Nain Brothers. He is a northern Italian painter who showed his observation of nature as well as the use of contrast in colors. This is due to the use of tenebrism, which is the use of...
1248 Words 3 Pages

Impressionism And Traditional Japanese Art – Ukiyo-e

“Early modern Art is a magnificent representation of this organic, progressive, self-reflective order that structures early modern disciplines”, stated by Mary Anne Staniszewski, also she believes that “the story of modern art is a gradual development, from realistic, illusionistic representation to more abstract, “ideal” images”. I agree with Staniszewski that modern Art is a way...
1648 Words 4 Pages

Analysis Of Salvador Dali's Persistence Of Memory

The artwork that I studied is produced by Salvador Dali which is called Persistence of Memory made in 1931. Salvador Dali (1904-1989) was in a Surrealist group in 1929. Salvador Dali’s painting skills were credited to the influence of Renaissance masters, but his piece of Persistence of Memory was influenced by Bosch’s Garden of Earthly...

The Evolution Of The Selfie

The selfie may seem like a rather new idea with the emergence of modern cameras on cell phones, however, this concept really goes back 175 years. Yes that’s correct the true origins of the selfie goes all the way back to 1839. The selfie actually predates the thumbs up, the high five, and the current...
541 Words 1 Page

Architecture: Beijing National Stadium Analysis

This essay uses Beijing National Stadium (officially the National Stadium), designed by Herzog & de Meuron) as an example critically analyse and discuss the diversified interpretations of ornament. Being much more than an intricate architectural element, contemporary architecture is believed in giving more focus on the function of ornament other than just merely decorative. Although...
3034 Words 7 Pages

Architecture: The Baroque Design During The Renaissance Era

During the Renaissance era, the Baroque design was essential. There was a significant difference in baroque architecture in every nation and varied a lot in Europe and Latin America. Despite, they are all called the same, because of art and architecture with the same title categorized during that era. Critics described the baroque design as...
1458 Words 3 Pages

Architectural Styles: Romanesque And Gothic Architecture

Architectural styles have developed in Europe, many of which are still visible in today’s monuments. The Romanesque (1000s-1100s) and Gothic (late 1100s-1400s) are the key styles considered in this article. From the 12th to the 15th centuries, the great wave of the Christian Church in Europe was characterized by the influence of the Crusades. Church...
1009 Words 2 Pages

Didactic, Symbolic And Semiotic Purposes Of Art In Architecture

The architecture was always present with astounding works of sculpted and painted art, before the early 20th century, often portraying complex concepts and cultural beliefs. Specific cultural ideas and allegories were symbolised a lot through painted art and sculpted art, while styles of architecture changed and developed through different time periods. Throughout this essay, the...
1041 Words 2 Pages

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