Essays on Athens

The Relationship Between Athens And Other Greek States From 479 - 450 BC

Question: Discuss the relationship between Athens and other Greek states from 479 – 450 BC During the period of 479-450 BC, Athens’ relationship with her allies transformed dramatically as it emerged to become the supreme leader of an empire. The establishment of the Delian League was arguably the key factor in signifying the beginning of...
1339 Words 3 Pages

Athens: Main Reasons To Live There

Athens is a city with a lot of great features which were the main reasons why people choose to live there. Those main features of a settlement is having a huge flat area, oceans, rivers, mild climate, steep mountains and fertile soil. Each of these features has its on reason why it made Athens a...
618 Words 1 Page

The City Development Of Athens

The ancient Greek city-state occupied an extremely important position in its history, it gradually developed in the 8th century BC. Polis which is a basic state form of Greece generally centered on a city, including the surrounding villages. Among the many city-states in Greece, Athens is not only the ancient but also the most powerful...
1120 Words 2 Pages
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