Essays on Finance

Equity Validation Through Discounted Cash Flow Analysis

Every day, thousands of participants in the investment profession—investors, portfolio managers, regulators, researchers—face a common and often perplexing question: What is the value of a particular asset? The answers to this question usually influence success or failure in achieving investment objectives. For one group of those participants—equity analysts—the question and its potential answers are particularly...
2173 Words 5 Pages

The Introduction Of Fintech: Opportunities And Risks

Fintech can be considered as an introduction of tools of digitalization in business for pro-vision companies with qualitative service, lower costs and prosperity. These tools can be applied in different areas of business, like payments, banking, investment, insurance, wealth, security, currency and Forex, lending and funding (including crowdfunding). It has changed the way people make...
589 Words 1 Page

US Subprime Mortgage Crisis: Causes And Impact

Introduction It is an indisputable fact that ten years ago the outbreak of a financial crisis in America quickly brought the global economy into a full recession. The impact of this crisis far exceeds the period of the Great Depression. It is most governments, businesses, and individuals who have not predicted the coming of this...
1805 Words 4 Pages

The Impact Of Fintech On Financial Markets

Fintech plays a major role in the financial markets of today and heavily influences the importance of the financial markets in the economy and society. The definition of Fintech is technology that enables financial solutions and is commonly seen as the relationship between information technology and financial services (Arner, Barberis, Buckley, 2015). Financial markets are...
1075 Words 2 Pages

Financial Crisis Of 2007-2008: Causes And Impact On Global Economy

The primary sign that the economy was in a tough situation happened in 2006 when housing costs began to fall. From the start, real estate professionals commended; they thought the overheated housing business sector would come back to a progressively reasonable level. They didn’t understand there were an excessive number of mortgage holders with sketchy...
2825 Words 6 Pages

Changes In US Financial Regulations Since 2008 Financial Crisis

The 2008 financial crisis subjected global economies into immense pressure. The period stimulated significant changes as countries rushed to ensure economic balance and sustainability. Assessment of the possible factors that contributed to the crisis implicates issues such as deregulation in the financial sectors that allowed banks to participate in hedge fund trading derivatives. The consequences...
1350 Words 3 Pages

The Introduction Of Fintech: The Issues Of Cyber Security

Traditional financial institutions are currently transforming into a new era of innovation, while introducing technology into the field of financial services (Fintech). Fintech has been growing rapidly since Paypal was first recognized. It brings a bunch of benefits for startups as well as organizations. According to the president of Pintech, A Chinese fintech startup, Zhou...
860 Words 2 Pages

Arbitrage Pricing Theory: Opportunities And Limitations

Introduction Imagine travelling and observing that apples in one region of the country are cheaper compared to the prices charged in your home region. Given that scenario, a rational human being will seek to maximize their “level of…utility [as they] would rather be better off than worse off” (Kenton, 2018). Subsequently, the rational individual will...
2111 Words 5 Pages

Cybercrime As A Possible Cause For The Next Financial Crisis

You are in the line to pay for your takeout lunch and your card gets rejected, surprised you try again (since it worked perfectly well when you paid for coffee in the morning), worried you check the banking application on your smartphone to realise your account balance is zero, on enquiring with the bank you...
1556 Words 3 Pages
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