Essays on Human Impact

Rate And Effects Of Deforestation

Earths forest cover about 30 percent of its land. And the ecosystem that it plays creates a very essential role in supporting life on earth. However, deforestation is clearing Earth’s forest on a massive scale than ever before. And with this current rate of deforestation, the world’s rainforest will eventually be completely disappeared within 100...
1864 Words 4 Pages

Ocean Pollution And Its Influence On Marine Life

Pollution has become one of the biggest problems facing all living things on earth. To begin with, is important to know the definition of “pollution”. This term means the manifestation of any unsolicited foreign substance in something. Ocean pollution also known as marine pollution is a situation of great impact in the world, this is...

Deforestation As A Severe Problem In Haiti

The world has been losing trees more and more every year, there are many countries that are still recovering from tragic deforestation like the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic has recently signed a couple of bills that will help lower carbon emissions, and have been working to reforest what they have lost. But, right next...
690 Words 2 Pages

Causes Of Water Pollution

Water pollution refers to the adjustments in the physical, natural, and compound states of anyone of water which hurtfully disturbs the parity of the biological system. Like any kind of pollution, water pollution results when a mind confusing measure of waste originating from various wellsprings of poisons can never again be suited by the characteristic...
1474 Words 3 Pages

Global Warming: Greenhouse Gas Emissions And Private Vehicles

Global warming is a threat to the existence of humanity, partially due to the overuse of vehicles that emit greenhouse gases. Vehicles are responsible for several externalities and, undoubtedly, the rapid growth of private vehicles is contributing to increasing the level of greenhouse gas emissions in Toronto. However, as mentioned by Karjalainen and Juhola (2019),...

Implications Of Fast Fashion On Economy And Environment

Fast fashion is the process of producing unsustainable and inexpensive clothing rapidly, in order to keep up with the latest trends. Cheap and trendy cloths are desired by many, however the consequences of fast fashion is much more damaging than its benefits. To an extent we can argue that fast fashion is a market failure,...
1507 Words 3 Pages

Fast Fashion And The Obsession Of Young People: Opinion Essay

Like a lot of millennials I am somewhat guilty to the fact fast fashion is an almost dependable part of my life. To put it bluntly, I am obsessed with the idea of image and “looking good”, heavily influenced from the ever growing pressure of social media to put body image so important in young...
1078 Words 2 Pages

Air Pollution in China: Analytical Essay

Introduction [image: ]In China, one of the leading concerns is the increase in air pollution and the effect it has on the environment and society as a whole (China Power Team, 2018). Environmentally, there is an abundant amount of carbon overloading in the atmosphere and ocean waters. Atmospheric CO2 Figure 1. Air pollution concentration recorded...
1890 Words 4 Pages
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