Essays on Marine Life

Conservation Of Marine Life In The Ecosystem

In recent years, the public is getting aware of the extinction of marine resources. The concerns and awareness among the public have been increased due to the various articles published in newspapers or in magazines which are only sourced to reach out to the people. Oceans is the greatest gift to all the living creatures...
1565 Words 3 Pages

Consequences Of The Killing Of Marine Life

Many Marine organisms are facing unnatural extinctions that not only threaten the functioning of ecosystems but also, to a large extent, affect ecological issues. The international union for conservation of nature (IUCN) has already listed 368 Marine species that are either endangered or on the verge of extinction. 1.2 Endangered sea life 1.2.a Hawksbill Turtle...

Ocean Pollution And Its Influence On Marine Life

Pollution has become one of the biggest problems facing all living things on earth. To begin with, is important to know the definition of “pollution”. This term means the manifestation of any unsolicited foreign substance in something. Ocean pollution also known as marine pollution is a situation of great impact in the world, this is...

Impact Of Plastic On Marine Life

Is plastic killing marine life? There is nearly four hundred million tons of plastic in our oceans but only two hundred and forty-six thousand ton of plastic is on the surface. In this essay i wasn’t to uncover the effects plastic is having on our oceans and what is being done to try prevent this...
1219 Words 3 Pages
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