Essays on Human Impact

Situation with Air Pollution in Asian Countries

Introduction Generically, pollution is caused by fuel combustion in numerous sectors: domestic use, power generation, transport, and trade. The problem is aggravated by environmental conditions and a mixture of population density and urbanization. Air pollution leads to many issues, such as health hazards, especially for women and children, adverse effects on agriculture, livestock, building material...
1517 Words 3 Pages

Amazon Rainforest: Overview Of Endemic Species

Glass Frog The Glass Frog is also known as the “see-through frog”. Their skin is translucent like glass, which is where they get their name from. Their skin is so clear that you can see their heart and organs. Glass Frogs like tropical and warm climates. There isn’t only one type of Glass Frog, there...

Chernobyl: A Horror Bestseller That Broke An Entire Nation

Walking down the luminous avenues of modern science, you’re struck by the sight of an enormous castle. Prostrated somewhat stealthily in the distance, it’s smug in the knowledge of its majestic. Graceful buttresses and glowing archways of Uranium, plutonium and all sorts of radioactive elements mask the standard air of dilapidation characteristic of a haunted...
3223 Words 7 Pages

Reasons To Avoid Deforestation

There are many controversial topics on which many people may never agree on. For example, politics, religion, and war are very controversial topics. A controversial topic is a deforestation. Deforestation is the removal of a forest where the land is thereafter converted to non-forest use. Many of the world’s forests are disappearing at rapid rates...
1072 Words 2 Pages

Nuclear energy: Benefits And Drawbacks

Have you ever heard of nuclear energy? Nuclear energy is a commonly used energy source that is produced from atoms splitting in a reactor that is used to heat water into steam, to turn a turbine, and create electricity. Its energy is released during nuclear fission or fusion. Nuclear fusion is when nuclei with low...

Endangered Species In Canada

Canada covers the major part of North America and is home to plenty of flora and fauna species. Canada is the habitat of around 70,000 of species. Jeff Wells, the Boreal Songbird Initiative’s science policy director, says Canada hosts biological phenomena rarely seen elsewhere on the planet. It was estimated that there are about one...
1228 Words 3 Pages

Water Pollution In The Southeast Region Of The U.S.

More than two-thirds of water occupies the surface of the Earth. Half the world is covered by water; water pollution is a very big crisis that can be minimized to some degree. Water pollution is a human problem as it appears to be a recent discovery that began in the late 19th century. Scientists say,...
1568 Words 3 Pages

Types and Causes of Pollution

For decades our environment has been deteriorating due to all of the pollution around us. There are many different types of pollution. It affects us as humans, our living organisms, and our planet itself. Pollution is the cause of climate change and the reason many animal species have gone extinct because their habitats are being...
940 Words 2 Pages

Importance And Advances Of Desalination

Planet Earth, a vast, mystical wonderland located inside the Milky Way Galaxy, is not your traditional habitat, housing over eight million species of life forms and innumerable land/sea infrastructure. Our world, as we know it, is advancing in ways we cannot imagine, not only in habitual ways, but in means of technology and science. Today,...
1153 Words 3 Pages
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