Essays on Whaling

Arguments Against Commercial Whaling

As some of you might know, I am interested in biology and wildlife. One morning I was just sitting on my sofa, watching the news. There was a news story called “an Orca Mother Drops her baby, after an unprecedented 17 Days of Mourning”. I find out that the mom uses her head to push...
916 Words 2 Pages

Letter To Japanese Whaling Companies: Opinion Essay

Point of View In 2014 when I was a year 5 student at the Australian International School of Singapore, I became very invested in the well-being of animals. I think that all kids do though. We all say we want to be vegetarian and to stop killing animals. We all present posters to our class...
984 Words 2 Pages

Consequences Of The Killing Of Marine Life

Many Marine organisms are facing unnatural extinctions that not only threaten the functioning of ecosystems but also, to a large extent, affect ecological issues. The international union for conservation of nature (IUCN) has already listed 368 Marine species that are either endangered or on the verge of extinction. 1.2 Endangered sea life 1.2.a Hawksbill Turtle...

Situation With Whaling In Japan: Opinion Essay

Over the years, the number of whales have reduced drastically. On the last century, human beings have killed 3 million different types of whales, 90% of these whales were killed by the whale’s industry (Cressey, 2015). However, most of these actions are illegal whaling. The behavior of human being has already affected whale population. Currently,...
1067 Words 2 Pages
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