Essays on Jungle

General Characteristics Of Rainforest Ecosystem

Those ridiculous rainforest ecosystems comprise just 6 %of our globe exterior, however, all include at least two-thirds of this world’s shrub varieties, including various strange plus pretty blossoms, exist within these areas. As larger than 30 million kinds of shrubs also primates survive in these areas. Any Rainforest depicted for a high, impenetrable forest. The...
977 Words 2 Pages

Amazon Rainforest: Overview Of Endemic Species

Glass Frog The Glass Frog is also known as the “see-through frog”. Their skin is translucent like glass, which is where they get their name from. Their skin is so clear that you can see their heart and organs. Glass Frogs like tropical and warm climates. There isn’t only one type of Glass Frog, there...

Heat Island Effect: Jungle Fires

Jungles are burning in this hot summer. This year, according to newspapers, summer is over four degrees Celsius hotter than the previous year. In the last week of April, the heat waves and the patterns of summer have been difficult for people. Kalahandi is in the western side of Odisha. The Easter state of India...
1048 Words 2 Pages
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