Essays on Medicine

Surgery: Definition And Robotic-assisted Surgeries

Since its introduction to the healthcare system, robotic surgical systems (RSS) have become routinely used in minimally invasive general surgery (MIGS). Multi-disciplinary research has shown robotic surgical systems provide increased precision, lowered overall costs, reduced exposure of infectious diseases, and a more overall ergonomic workload. This emerging technology provides patients, undergoing minimally invasive procedures, access...
865 Words 2 Pages

Evolutionary Psychiatry Definition On Depressive Subtypes

In Rantala, Luto, Krams and Karlsson’s (2018) paper on evolutionary psychiatry, it is believed the main reason for no evolutionary based treatment for depression is due to the deficient explanation for its theoretical framework. As reported many major depressive disorders are one of the leading causes of disability (Vos et al. 2015). Many clinicians diagnosed...
1319 Words 3 Pages

The Issue Of Euthanasia Legalization In Australia

Euthanasia is often viewed as immoral or unethical, and often, a patient with a terminal illness’s life is much worse than death, as their final days are long and often full of agony and pain. Legalizing euthanasia will give terminally ill patients the freedom to choose, and give them the power in this decision in...
723 Words 2 Pages

Embryonic Stem Cell Research

How the developments in your chosen technology has advanced biological understanding. Embryonic stem cell research is defined as the specific area study that researches stem cells obtained from the undifferentiated inner mass cells of a human embryo and its potential use in medicine. Each embryonic stem cell can renew itself and can develop into more...
1892 Words 4 Pages

Instrumentation For Operative Dentistry

Introduction Operative dentistry is the science and art of the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of a defect in the enamel or dentin of individual teeth. It’s concerned with the restoration of defect. The defect is always as a result of trauma, disease, and esthetics. It’s the entirely of the clinical practice of dentistry. It includes...
2433 Words 5 Pages

Medical Ethics: Pay For Transitional Services For Transgender Clients

Should medical insurance companies be required to pay for transitional services for their transgender clients? Public and private health insurances cover most things related to medical treatment, dental services, vision care, and preventative medicine for individuals that identify with their natal sex, regardless of the need, only sometimes requiring special considerations. Transgender consumers make up...
1603 Words 4 Pages

Development Of Organ Transplant

Organ transplantation is important to the patient. The idea of taking a faulty body part out and replacing it with a healthy version has been around for a century. The organ cannot be chop and sew without some understanding of science. So, the road to the first successful organ transplant was full of challenges, discoveries,...
2492 Words 5 Pages

Medical History In The Elizabethan Era

Medicine in the Elizabethan era had many parts to it. During the Elizabethan era many people’s knowledge of medicine was wrong causing it to slowly, if not barely, advance. There was a wide range of beliefs, from treatments to diseases. Three main things that were part of the medical history in the Elizabethan Era were...
1403 Words 3 Pages

The Meaning Of Term Euthanasia And Its Types

Before Addressing the topic of Euthanasia we must first analyze the meaning of the word itself. The word is a combination of two words of Greek origin, EU and Thanatos, the exact meaning is a good death”. Today this word is otherwise known as mercy killing {‘where a person ends the life of another to...
1185 Words 3 Pages

The Role Of Ethics In Medical Laboratory Science

1. What is Ethics? Ethics is a principle which people live by. It is based on standards of what is considered to morally right and wrong. Ethics is concerned with what benefits the individual and the society. The word ethics originates from the Greek work ‘ethos’, which means custom or character (BBC, 2014). Medical ethics...
844 Words 2 Pages
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