Essays on Music

Classical Music Is My Favourite: Opinion Essay

Abstract In this paper I will talk about why the art of classical music is my favourite, how and why it constitutes as an art and issues that surround it. Classical music has been with us for a long time. We can hear it everywhere television, radio, orchestra and even movie. It is a music...
1664 Words 4 Pages

Study Of Ragtime: Analytical Essay

The Ragtime is a historic event in the progressive era (1900s) where there was industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and political corruption. The book Ragtime uses many plots of different characters during the time period and makes each character cross paths with each other. The author uses fictional characters to symbolize the Progressive Era to show how...
891 Words 2 Pages

Personal Statement: My Experience In Piano Playing

The idea to study in the UK began when I was ten years old and attended English private school when lived abroad for a year. I have never had such a joy of attending school before and I absolutely fell in love with the friendly atmosphere as well as the culture and the language. So...
685 Words 2 Pages

Rhapsody In Blue By George Gershwin: Concert Review

On June 3, 1976, conductor Leonard Bernstein led the New York Philharmonic at the Royal Albert Hall located in London, England. They performed “Rhapsody In Blue” by George Gershwin. The solos in this piece were performed by Leonard Bernstein (conductor/pianist) and Stanley Drucker (clarinetist). The piece was originally written for one oboe, solo piano, seven...
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