Essays on Music

The Music Of Spain: Influence Of The Guitar And The Piano On Spanish Music

Throughout the centuries, music has been composed and performed in Spain. During the ‘Siglo de Oro’ (Golden age) of 1500-1700, the vihuela (a predecessor to the guitar) began to take a larger role in the music of the time. From then on, the guitar, and its earlier forms had an integral role in the music-making...
1704 Words 4 Pages

Dissonant Wonderfulness: The Rock ‘N’ Roll Scene In Australia

Popular music has consistently been a distinctive cultural carrier to demonstrate Australian ideologies for decades. Along the way, rock music is understood as a primary driver for the construction of Australian sociocultural identity and national image with its unique cultural value. According to National Museum of Australia, rock and roll has contributed Australia to generating...
2382 Words 5 Pages

Impact Of Globalization On The K-POP Industry

K-POP refers to the Korean popular music, including dance music, modern R&B, pop electronic music, hip-hop music. Korean pop music emerged in the 1990s and became popular with the Korean wave in Asia and the world from the beginning of the 2000s. It was also listed as a kind of pop music with a leading...
1119 Words 2 Pages

Contemporary Societal Viewpoints Towards Classical Music And Orchestras

I. Context & Problem/Opportunity Worldwide, a clear trend can be seen as classical music orchestras are experiencing declines in attendance, and the ageing population attending is not being replaced (Saquilayan, 2015). In Australia, “those aged 55-64 years and 65-74 years were those most likely to attend classical music concerts”, and this is more than double...
2450 Words 5 Pages

Bee Gees: Influence On Popular Culture

Their early success in Australia, such as hosting a television show and recording two studio albums in 1965-1966, gained them an Australian following that boosted their career while in Britain. Not only did an Australian audience support them, but their presence on the Top hits was an effective representation of Australians when the industry was...

Clarinet: Symphony Fantastique Analysis

Symphony Fantastique: de la vie d’un artiste, en cinq parties (Fantastical Symphony: An Episode in the Life of an Artist, in Five Parts) Op. 14, is a composition of music is an important piece of the early Romantic era (1810-1900). It is a programmatic symphony written by the French composer Hector Berlioz in 1830, and...
1476 Words 3 Pages

Gaspar Sanz And His Spanish Style Baroque Guitar

Gaspar Sanz was a Spanish baroque guitar composer who was at the time very well-known and has influenced many, many classical guitarists and composers right up until today. Although the birth date of Gaspar Sanz is unknown the composer was baptized as Francisco Bartolomé Sanz Celma in the church of Calanda de Ebro, Aragon on...
741 Words 2 Pages

K-pop Influence on Australian Youth

Introduction Korean pop music, or K-pop, is a genre of music from Korea. The music is the combination of electronic, hip-hop, rock and R&B. The rise of K-pop is considered to be the “second wave” of Korean cultural influence, the “first wave” being Korean dramas. Korea has expanded its cultural influence throughout the world, and...
1268 Words 3 Pages

Innovations In Rhythm In Steve Reich’s Piano Phase And Philip Glass’ Opening

Composers have been and are always experimenting with new elements and techniques to incorporate in their compositions, and a wide array of colours, tone, and feelings are realised through them. In the second half of the 20th century, genres and ‘movements’ of music such as ‘minimalism’, ‘postmodernism’, and ‘New Complexity’ have become increasingly popular, and...
1631 Words 4 Pages
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