Essays on Physics

Sound Measurements And Observations

Introduction: In three notably different acoustic places, this report will showcase and discuss some sound level measurements and the observations that revolve around the experiment. The measurements that will be broken down in this elaborative report have recently been performed concretely utilising an instrument that determines the sound levels, particularly in decibels (dB), which is...
1087 Words 2 Pages

Situation With Nuclear Power In Australia

Australia is a large country being the 6th largest country on the planet, it currently holds 24.6 million people and needs electricity for every single one of them. According to the Australian Government “Australia produces about 2.4 per cent of total world energy and is a major supplier of energy to world markets, exporting more...
2942 Words 6 Pages

The Effects Of Gravity On Acceleration

Research Question When altering the release height of a golf ball with a constant initial velocity, will the relationship between the time of release and the time of impact to the ground be proportional and therefore verify the acceleration due to the force of gravity? Rationale The purpose of conducting this experiment was to determine...
1162 Words 3 Pages

Fluorescent Light Scientific Essay: Fluorescent Lighting Is Not Healthy

Claim Fluorescent lighting is not healthy and should be eliminated from public and private places. Rationale In order to investigate the claim and establish evidence for the research question, the key terms of the claim must be defined. The claim states that fluorescent lighting is not healthy and thus should be eliminated, making the key...
1865 Words 4 Pages

Global Energy Demand And Supply: Present And Future

Introduction: Force and Energy are two fundamental contributions to economic development and improving the quality of life in India. The energy demand in India is ever-expanding by virtue of its developing economy, rapid urbanization, and rising income levels. As energy has consistently been perceived as one of the most significant contributions to decide the financial...
1918 Words 4 Pages

Artificial Lighting Technology And Ecological Light Pollution

The invention of artificial lighting technology is a product of the diurnal nature of man. Human’s continuous pursuit of illuminating the night has led to light pollution which occurs when artificial light is improperly or excessively used. Astronomical light pollution causes difficulties in observing astronomical objects because of the increased nighttime illumination while ecological light...
1705 Words 4 Pages

Nuclear Power: Benefits And Drawbacks

With the demands in the world shifting towards society needing more electricity, nuclear power has been a way to meet power needs while keeping the carbon footprint low. Nuclear power as a whole may have a stigma attached to it. One would assume, the majority of the world’s population is not well educated on the...
1413 Words 3 Pages

Types Of Light And Their Importance In Human Life

Light Johann Ritter is best known for his discovery of ultraviolet light in 1801. A year earlier, in 1800, William Hershel discovered light. This was the first time that a form of light beyond visible light had been detected. The first practical electric light which was the carbon arc was invented by Humphry Davy around...
2179 Words 5 Pages

Prepaid Electricity Monitoring System

Abstract This paper is about a prepaid electricity monitoring system using the internet of things, which monitors electricity consumption and provides feedback on power usage. The conventional electricity meters are not easily accessible and lack in keeping a record of electricity consumption daily. This paper represents a system that tracks electricity usage and stores the...
1603 Words 4 Pages
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