Essays on Presidents of the United States

Comparing Angela Merkel's And George W. Bush's Leadership Styles

World leaders have been an important part of society since the beginning of time. The majority of them embody certain distinctive traits that make them stand out among other individuals. Traits such as being truthful, charismatic, ambitious and many more. Both Angela Merkel and George W. Bush showcased these leadership traits during their time as...
1843 Words 4 Pages

Ronald Reagan's Presidency: Social, Economic And Political Impact

Social Impact Through a social lens, it is undoubtedly evident that Ronald Reagan was identified as an influential figure in American history. Outweighing the negative aspects of RR that slightly tarnish his name, Ronald Reagan is still remaining greatly respected through American eyes. Reagan has been considered by many to be the most successful president...
1866 Words 4 Pages

Leadership Styles Of Donald Trump And Barack Obama: A Comparative Analysis

A good leader represents the characteristics of trustworthy, honesty, energetic, confidence, earnestness and so much more. Such leadership traits are evident in Donald Trump who is a current president of the U.S and Barack Obama who served as the 44th president of the U.S. The 2016 Presidential elections that were held in the United States...
1259 Words 3 Pages

James Madison's Views On State Organisation

James Madison, a founding father and author of The Federalist Papers, once wrote, ‘Liberty may be endangered by the abuses of liberty, as well as by the abuses of power.’ This quote indicates the idea of natural law in which Madison is trying to express that government power needs to be restricted in order to...
934 Words 2 Pages

James Madison And Thomas Jefferson: The Creation Of Democratic-republican Party

The men that formed the Democratic-Republican party were two of the most influential and inspiring leaders of the Federalist Period. Their extensive schooling, their impressive ability to be promoted through the ranks, and their large following, led them to earn their place in history. The perfectly balanced friendship between James Madison and Thomas Jefferson helped...

The Rhetorical Analysis Of George W. Bush Iraq Speeches

President Bush proclaims a clear and unequivocal frame from the beginning on – good versus bad, America versus the terrorists. This narrative spans across the entire Address to the Joint Session, beginning with the assessment that “enemies of freedom” (Bush Session 66) were responsible for the attacks and that the US is called to “defend...
2019 Words 4 Pages

John F. Kennedy: A Good Role Model Then And Now

Kennedy once said, “There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long-range risks of comfortable inaction” (Mittal). He was a person that took risks not in fear of failing, but in fear of not trying and having a greater devastation occur after. Taking action is going to have consequences...
792 Words 2 Pages

Bill Clinton: The Lewinsky Scandal

The Clinton’s are one of the most notable presidential families in American history; this name was associated with many affairs and events that cannot be forgotten by the Americans especially and the whole world generally. One of the most noteworthy incidents is The Lewinsky Scandal. This news came down on the world like a thunderbolt,...
466 Words 1 Page

Woodrow Wilson: A Big Role During The World War II

Many People were affected during the world war 1 era in history and there were many people to bring them hope and help out the cause. William Faulkner published many books and received a lot of Nobel peace prizes for some of his work. Woodrow Wilson, being the president, joined the cause to help our...
1200 Words 3 Pages
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