Essays on Presidents of the United States

Comparing Leadership Styles: Alexander The Great, Billy Graham, Ronald Reagan, Adolf Hitler

Introduction There are different types of leaders in the world who have different types of leadership styles. Not every leader is going to have the same leadership style because their areas of leadership requires the right approach for the situation. Effective leadership is based upon ideas but won’t happen unless those ideas can be communicated...

Donald Trump's Foreign Policies As Compared To Previous US Presidents

The aim of this paper is to analyze and compare Trump’s foreign policy decisions in regards to previous American presidents bringing into discussion main strategies. This paper will be focused on three main foreign policy grand strategies and Trump’s decisions since January 2017 when he came into office. Donald Trump is the 45th and current...
1541 Words 3 Pages

US/Canada Relations During Donald Trump's Presidency

Since Donald Trump was elected as president of the United States in 2016, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has had to transition Canada out of its role as “America’s side-kick” and take initiative to subdue Trump’s chaotic behavior and America’s rising favorable disposition to nativist populism. Many world leaders have taken to condemning Trump and...
2120 Words 5 Pages

James Madison: Life Story And Political Achievements

Before he became the 4th president of the United States of America, James Madison had always been involved in politics and he helped shape the way the U.S is run today. David O. Stewart authored Madison’s Gift; Five Partnerships That Built America to put into writing Madison’s relationships with the most influential people of America....
1568 Words 3 Pages

Ronald Reagan: Policies, Accomplishments, Influence On American Politics

American politics has been shaped over time to what it is today. Various presidents present different ideologies and policies that shape the daily lives, the economic state, and the position of America in the world. President Ronald Reagan presented as an influential figure that shaped American politics and changed its economic situation in the world....
1593 Words 4 Pages

The Use Of Propaganda In George W. Bush Speeches

The term “propaganda” originates from Latin. It is all the time biased. It is a way of distributing information or conveying something in such a way to make people feel in a certain way. It is a particular kind of communication strategy that circulates specific needs and desires. It is basically how you show something...
2449 Words 5 Pages

The Role Of Social Media In Donald Trump's Presidency

Over the last decade, the American media system has experienced significant changes. The rise of social media has led to the creation of a new approach to campaigns, governance, and politics. Today most people rely on digital sources to get information on political events and issues. There has also been a significant shift to user-driven...
739 Words 2 Pages
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