Essays on Race and Ethnicity

Jay's Personality And His Chinese Style Songs

Introduction and Jay’ Early Career: In this article I intend to discuss Jay Chou and his personality which intersects the topics of his race and ethnicity . Jay Chou is a pop singer in Taiwan. His works are very famous in East Asia. His main style of his music is partial to pop music and...
1985 Words 4 Pages

Hip Hop: Peculiarities Of A Turkish-German Style

Everything can be much confusing when you are a Muslim with the taste of sausage. When you riffs in German and rhymes in Turkish. Moving like water, you have the joints of a ghost. You are a cross-cultural rapper in a Europe restless about identity. Your hip-hop is a staccato barrage rumbling between two worlds,...
1189 Words 3 Pages

Pansori As A Relic Of Korean Tradition

Voices from the Straw Mat: Toward an Ethnography of Korean Singing by Chan E. Park is the review of the p’ansori Korean singing tradition. It not only describes p’ansori and the history of the music in the setting of the modernization of Korea but an outsider’s perspective on joining a tradition that is normally passed...
667 Words 1 Page

Ethnic Notions: Analysis Of Documentaries About Black People

Atlanta is a TV series that is unlike any other on television today and a great deal of its success is due to the originality of the show. The poor and working class of America is surely underrepresented in television today. There is a sea of TV series about families whose problems skim the surface...
1960 Words 4 Pages

Nazi German Propaganda: Critical Analysis

Propaganda happens when spreading or publishing of information/news in support of a cause. While hearing this word (propaganda) it is often used in a negative sense because especially politician who spread false news to grab the attention of a people and to get their way on power or any campaign that is used to persuade...
1682 Words 4 Pages

Difference in Effect of 1930’s Great Depression on Mexican Americans Versus Other Americans

(How did the 1930’s Great Depression affect Mexican Americans differently than other Americans? Explain the various socio­‐political realities endured by Mexican Americans and the ways in which they resisted oppression.) The Great Depression hit Mexican outsiders especially hard. Close by the movement crisis and sustenance inadequacies that affected all U.S. workers, Mexicans and Mexican Americans...
1551 Words 3 Pages

Anxieties Of The Era By Focusing On Cleopatra’s Authority, Gender, Sexuality And Race In Shakespeare’s Antony And Cleopatra

Cleopatra, the Queen of Egypt has effectively captured the popular imagination of writers and audiences throughout myriad time periods, gaining historical and cultural significance which metamorphosed the ancient Queen into an iconic figure laced with a mystical persona embedded with an alluring charisma. Gender politics blanket plethora of representations of Cleopatra across time periods and...

The Concept of Race African Americans In Ethnic Notions

The Concept of Race African Americans are better for labor than white Americans. This is just one of the concepts that were spread throughout the country during America’s period of slaves and segregation. It was believed that the white men were superior to the African Americans and today, we know that that was a false...
896 Words 2 Pages

German Rail Accident Eschede in 1998: Analytical Essay

Abstract—Statistically travelling by train is one of the safest options one can pick, yet there are still some gruesome train crashes throughout the history. On 3 June 1998 the worst train accident in the history of Germany occurred. One of Inter City Express’ (ICE) trains derailed under a bridge at Eschede and caused the collapse...
1750 Words 4 Pages
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