Essays on Race and Ethnicity

Social Condition of Germany: Otto Dix's 1920 Painting Prager Strasse

Through this essay, I will be exploring and expanding on Otto Dix’s 1920 painting Prager Strasse. Decrypting it and the horrifying imagery of the effects of war and its correlation to the war-torn society. Its response and how it adapted and evolved to the after-effects of the war and to the people mainly war disabled...
1494 Words 3 Pages

Gender Discrimination In Chinese Family: Son-preference

It has been a long period since the traditional Chinese family was characterized as patriarchal in which females were inserted in severe social disadvantage relative to males. In this strongly evolved patriarchal family system, rational biases on the gender inequality in a family are presented as sons are believed to be the permanent members of...
666 Words 1 Page

Luis Barragan - Casa Gilardi in Mexico: Analytical Essay

Located at the heart of Mexico City in the Tacubaya district, Casa Gilardi is the last known work completed by Luis Barragan in 1973. Barragan’s work is largely influenced by traditional Mexican architecture and the structural features of modernism creating a distinctive architectural language that has become an important part of the urban Mexican landscape....
1782 Words 4 Pages

Reasons For German People To Follow Hitler Into The Holocaust

Evaluate why the German people followed Hitler into the Holocaust The Holocaust occurred between the years of 1941 and 1945. It was the World War 2 genocide of the European Jews, lead by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. Hitler manipulated the German people and their weaknesses, dreams and fears. He blended old prejudices and...
1551 Words 3 Pages

German Nation and Holocaust: Analytical Essay

The Holocaust is a one of the worst mass murders known in history. From the years 1939 -1943, 6 million Jews were killed, not sparing women, children or babies. This was orchestrated by the leader of the Nazi Party, Adolf Hitler, who personally blamed the Jews and Communists for the loss of World War 1...
1400 Words 3 Pages
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