Essays on Cyber Security

Cyber Security Laws: Area Of Jurisdiction And Ways Of Enforcement

As this technology age has grown exponentially over the past two decades there has been a rise in the dependence of it. In as much as the human population has benefitted in tremendous ways with the emergence of newer technologies like; web applications, autonomous drones, mobile applications, industrial automations, machine learning applications among others it...
2120 Words 5 Pages

Cybercrime Legislation Worldwide

Cyber criminals make use of exiting loop holes in security measures in developed and developing countries, and due to apparent lack of co-operation between them are potentially susceptible and vulnerable to cyber intrusions. The consequences of cyber hacking do not necessarily cause physical harm to humans but it has a detrimental impact on the society....
1074 Words 2 Pages

The Issue Of Cyber Security In 2016 US Elections

The debate over the vulnerability of the US elections to cyber security is increasingly growing popular and seems unending in the near future. The 2016 elections can perhaps be used as the strongest point of argument to expose this sad fact owing to the fact that the integrity of the US election has been heavily...
1912 Words 4 Pages

Cyber Crime: Definition, Classification, Statistics

In the current era of digitization and with the rapid advancements in technologies our life is becoming more and more dependent on the internet. Be it business, education, shopping, or banking transactions everything is on the internet. There are some threats posed by this enormous rise in digitization which is creating a new set of...
2016 Words 4 Pages

Cyber Security: Issues Relating To Cyber Crime

Cyber Security “It’s only when you go wrong that machines remind you how strong they are”- Clive James Introduction Internet as the global network was introduced to make the lives easier and faster. But who knew that would come with whole lot of faults. One such defect of this was its overuse and crime that...

Cyber Security: Essence And Benefits For Organization

Introduction: Cyber Security means IT (Information technology) security, where data will be protected. This plays a vital role in all organizations either small, medium or large organizations. It is a practice of protecting data, hardware & software …etc. Cyber attackers aim to change or destroy the data of an organization. where that will be a...
527 Words 1 Page

Cybersecurity As a Responsibility of Everyone: Analytical Essay

Digitalisation has now impressed virtually all areas of our lives, such as public administration, service sector, manufacturing industry, etc. Smart homes, mobile working, e-health and developments like driverless cars are further examples of advancing digitalisation, which presents many opportunities, as well as a number of threats. Cyber security is a major factor in the success...

Colombia: Defining and Classifying Cyberspace Security Threats and Attacks

The Columbian government has in the recent past come under heavy criticism after claims of abuse of the state surveillance system to spy on human rights defenders, political opponents, and journalists by the Administrative Department of Security. Due to Colombian’s rights, the government replaced the department with the National Intelligence Directorate but are yet to...
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