Essays on Earth & Nature

Recent Technological Advancements In The Field Of Water Filtration

Introduction Engineers of all forms endeavour to convert complex problems into simpler more understandable problems that can be solved easily. While water may be the essence of life it can also potentially be the carrier of dirt, minerals, chemicals, microscopic organisms, bacteria’s and other contaminants which can greatly compromise one’s health. As a result, engineers...
1545 Words 3 Pages

Time Series Analysis of Arctic Sea Ice

Abstract The main objective of our research work is to identify a model to forecast the sea ice level in Arctic sea. The data in our study is sea ice level from January 1990 to March 2011. We performed data analysis using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) modeling techniques. We selected a suitable forecasting model...
1938 Words 4 Pages

Reasons To Protect Biodiversity

“Biodiversity Is The Way, So Don’t Let Nature Go Astray” -Anonymous The term “Biodiversity” represents life on earth. It is commonly called as Biological Diversity. Biodiversity refers to a variety of flora and fauna and other species in the world. It can be measured globally or area wise. The count of biodiversity is called Species...
800 Words 2 Pages

Climate Change And Amount Of Carbon Dioxide In The Atmosphere

Since the start of society, the economy has been growing. As it has grown, the overall goods and/or services we have been able to produce has increased over time resulting in economic growth. Though during pre-industrial times –before the 18th century- economic growth was very slow. Economic growth further increased steadily with the introduction of...

Ecology Synthesis: Analysis Of Finding Nemo

A. 4-2 Niches and Community Interactions Tolerance- The ability to survive and reproduce under a range of conditions under a range of environmental circumstances. A species’ tolerance for environmental conditions helps determine its habitat. In Finding Nemo, Nemo and Marlin’s home is a sea anemone. Anemone’s are common homes for clownfish that protect them from...

In-vitro Antioxidant Activity Of Certain Desert Plants

Introduction Free radicals are highly reactive molecular species that possess unpaired electron. They stay for very short time before they react with another molecule and either abstract or donate an electron in order to achieve stability. By doing so, they generate a new radical from the molecule that they reacted with. The most damaging radicals...
2180 Words 5 Pages

Importance Of Fresh Water Ecosystem

Introduction As cited by SpringLink (2019); aquatic lives are much exclusive than ordinary terrestrial lives. Aquatic animals are those that stay inner water. They have a provision in the frame to make their respiration. These aquatic animals are in particular characterized as the only who don’t get a close contact with the global outside water....
1318 Words 3 Pages
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