Essays on Earth & Nature

Influence Of Water Balance On Human Organism

Water is essential for all life on earth, but too much water for some species can lead to serious health issues. Athletes consume insufficient fluid and electrolytes just before, or during training and competition. Interest in running has been growing over the past few decades, and marathon running is no exception. There are many marathon...
2396 Words 5 Pages

Subjective and Objective Aesthetics in Natural Environment

In ‘Aesthetics and the Value of Nature’, Janna Thompson proposed that the natural environment has many characteristics similar to most great works of art. For this reason, the natural environment has “objectively aesthetically value” same as the works of art. According to the description of Thompson, objective value refers to the value not judged by...

Desalination By Freezing: Principles And Process

Desalination by freezing forms depends on the reality of that ice precious stones are comprised of basically unadulterated water. It comprises of three discrete advances: ice development, ice cleaning, and ice liquefying. Since it has various favorable circumstances, for example low vitality necessities, the invulnerability of fouling and erosion or scaling just as practically no...
2750 Words 6 Pages

Mesopotamian Civilisation Versus Egyptian Civilisations: The Tigris And Euphrates Versus The Nile River

Introduction The existence of early civilisations forms a crucial part of human history as they marked the start of human beings living together in larger social structures as well as the formation of economies, control over production and law. “A civilisation is generally defined as an advanced state of human society containing highly developed forms...

Characteristics Of Peruvian Natural Resources

Peru has several natural resources. Its extended geography and weather provide a favorable environment for animals and plants to live and grow. Agricultural potential and good fishing are two of the oldest but more stable industries favoring Peru’s economic development, having cotton, potatoes and fish as the best examples and main sources to support their...
863 Words 2 Pages

Ocean Pollution: Importance Of Water In Our Life

Introduction People may not be aware about the importance of the massive blue area that covers most of our earth. It could be said that it is covering more than 70 percent of our planet, and called oceans. It considers among the earth’s most valuable natural resources. There are a great deals of purposes which...
726 Words 2 Pages

Physics and Electrical Engineering: Earth Magnetic Field

Abstract – The Earth is characterized by a weak magnetic field with a magnitude ranging from 25- 65. Specific sensors capable of working within the earth’s range are required to measure its field. These sensors are called Magnetometers. Various principles have been employed in measuring the earth’s magnetic field namely: Magnetic Compass, Fluxgate principle, Superconducting...
1904 Words 4 Pages

Ways Of Helping Our Deprived Natural Environment

Imagine gathering all the garbage you produced in one year, are you disappointed with the quantity? If you are disappointed here is your chance to change. Teens aged 14-19 who use many one-use plastics far more than they reuse or recycle is a main factor of why our environment is failing (Bennett, 2018). In addition...
931 Words 2 Pages

Water Budget Analysis Of Malta

Water is an essential resource with consistently high demand. While water is perceived as inexhaustible, growing global populations and rapid urbanization has placed pressure on available freshwater resources. These growing demands have the resulted in freshwater shortages in certain areas. On the other hand, some naturally wet regions or regions that become wetter due to...

Causes And Consequences Of Forest Fires

Forest fires are one of the most hotly discussed topics within the current decade concerning forestry. The topic of forest fires can be divided into two categories, natural forest fires, and those that are a direct or indirect consequence of human activity. The latter category can be further divided into controlled burning (e.g. land clearance...
913 Words 2 Pages
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