Essays on Higher Education

Education: Vocational, Academic And Humanist Approaches

Vocational In this section I would like to discuss my vocational experience in recent years of becoming a flight attendant for Emirates Airlines. As stated in the Learning Guide 2 (p.1), the basic argument for vocational philosophy is that education is for preparing young people for adult roles. This is shown from my personal experience...
1014 Words 2 Pages

Reflection Leads To Better Academic Achievements

Nowadays, the role of reflection has created a surge of interest in various areas of general, social, pedagogical and engineering psychology. Reflection has a positive impact on students’ self-determination. Furthermore, it fosters students to think critically and extends personal and professional skills (Lew & Schmidt, 2011). Talking about the reflection we cannot escape to mention...
1115 Words 2 Pages

Students Should Go To Study Abroad

Nowadays, to achieve higher education is very important for students to get a better job. Therefore, they need to find the most suitable university for them because the choice that they makes will affect to their future career. Some students choose to study in their own country and other of them decide to go to...

Over-identification In Special Education

Special Education has been a shifting department for the past decade. There have been new laws in place, a changing DSM5, and new findings regarding disabilities. With many different changes that are constantly happening, there is an uncertain amount of identifications within special education. In this paper we are going to discuss the issue of...
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Classroom Management In Special Education

In the context of learning institutions, students with special needs are typically defined as those with requirements orienting from learning difficulties, physical and emotional disabilities as well as behavioral challenges. Based on my interaction with the kids with special needs and the consultation of the underlying literature pieces, it is evident that most of the...
560 Words 1 Page

Special Education: Decision To Become A Teacher

I have been interested in becoming a teacher. I just didn’t know what kind of teacher i wanted to come to. Then I thought about what I did in the past and i use to help in classrooms with teachers who taught in special education. I really enjoy doing that and the kids also really...
750 Words 2 Pages

International Study: China Students Issues

Abstract The purpose of this research is to identify issues among oversea students from mainland China and come out with some corresponding solutions. Introduction In the Chinese competitive job market, Chinese students are needed to well equip themselves to stand out from the crowd. Thus, oversea study became a popular channel for Chinese students to...
871 Words 2 Pages

Reflection About Study Abroad Pros

A common topic that lots of adults have been talking about. Whether to study abroad is not that simple as what one’s think. I believed that for every decision that should be made have two sides of stories whether it will benefit the student or bring disadvantage to the students. Should I would like to...

Scholarship Essay

I was born and raised in DR. Congo, a central African country, second largest in the continent. My country is a great place to live, with a vast potential to develop. I aspire to be one of the most qualified experts in my future field of work. To achieve my dream, I have worked very...
445 Words 1 Page

Free College Education: A Controversial Issue

In recent discussions of free college education, a controversial issue has been whether community colleges should be tuition free to all, no matter then the economical background. On the one hand, some argue that it is good idea and would allow more potential students to obtain a higher education. From this perspective, it would allow...
930 Words 2 Pages
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