Essays on Interpersonal Relationship

Peer Pressure In Adolescent Alcohol Use

A study was recently conducted in 2017, on students, monitoring adolescent alcohol use. The article Peer Influence, Peer Selection and Adolescent Alcohol Use: A Simulation Study Using a Dynamic Network Model of Friendship Ties and Alcohol Use, was tested and written by Cheng Wang, John Hipp, Carter Butts, Rupa Jose, and Cynthia Lakon. The study...
1108 Words 2 Pages

Different Levels Of A Friendship

The first relationship we have is with our parents and siblings. And with good parenting, trust and love are embedded in a person. This becomes evident as we go out into the world and relate with other people. We also develop relationships with our peers. Through our interactions and playing together, we learn to communicate...
610 Words 1 Page

Children Peer Pressure

I never knew how useful I would be to humans until the boys came to the island. I am not sure how they got here, but I know they arrived after a crashing sound. I could not see what made the noise or where it landed. I remember hearing two boys talking indistinctly. As the...
980 Words 2 Pages

Don Quixote: The Friendship Of Main Characters

 When talking about world literature, there is a book that stands out among every other one. This story has the title of Don Quixote, a novel born from the pen of the famous writer Miguel De Cervantes, who published the first part of this work in 1605. A decade later, he revealed to the world...
1253 Words 3 Pages

Influence Of Peer Pressure On Young Adults

Peer pressure and anti-social behaviour is a serious offence which is commonly used by the younger generation, the majority of those influenced being teenagers. Negative peer pressure influences a larger number of teenagers to take advantage of alcohol abuse and encourages drug taking, smoking and anti-social behaviour. (Raising Children network. (2018) Peer pressure and influence:...
1586 Words 3 Pages

The Benefits And Limitations Of Friendship

A literary critic John Churton Collins once said, “In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends.” The theme I will be exploring in this essay is, “The benefits and limitations of friendship” This theme is important to talk about as sometimes friendship is underappreciated until it is needed, I will be...
980 Words 2 Pages

What Does Friendship Mean?

One of the most important decision we make in our life is choosing who we want present. It doesn’t matter how many people we follow online, how many books we read, or how many challenges we overcome, nothing will push us to our greatest state like the people by our side. The bond we create...
574 Words 1 Page
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