Essays on Life

Concept of Humanity in Rabindranath Tagore's Muktadhara: Thematic Review

Introduction Mukta-dhara or The Waterfall (1922) is one of the better-known plays of Rabindranath Tagore. He wrote the play immediately after he had a first-hand account of the impact of modern science, technology and machines on the human temperament from his extensive tour of the scientifically advanced countries of Europe and America in the early...
2194 Words 5 Pages

War, Peace and Terrorism: Critical Analysis

If somebody talks about war and peace now a day, they have to talk about terrorism too. After a lot of terrorism attacks and wars a lot of question are arisen such as is terrorism an act of war or is there a war against terrorism. Another question is why is it so hard for...
1669 Words 4 Pages

Empathy as an Attribute of a Registered Nurse: Analytical Essay

This essay focus on the attributes of a registered nurse. There are many attributes required for the role of a nurse. Attributes are the characteristic of a nurse. Caring, kindness, empathy, compassionate personality, attention to detail, fairness, trustworthiness, best communicator, and many more are the best attributes of a nurse. According to Eileen Shepherd in...
1565 Words 3 Pages

Slavery Versus Freedom: Analytical Essay

In 1842, the last slave had died in Rhode Island, finally destroying slavery in the North of the United States. It was a rough ride getting there as slavery was supposed to end in 1787 in the North, but America got it done. As George Washington himself once put it, “I can only say that...
666 Words 1 Page

Definition of Happiness at Work: Analytical Essay

Introduction In the debate surrounding the psychological state of employees at the workplace, there is an argument suggesting that the aspects of work environment are to be assumed as causes of happiness or unhappiness and stress in organizations. There is a great deal of literature showing that salaries, superiors, motivation and other features of the...
2602 Words 6 Pages
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