Essays on MBA

My Reasons For Choosing To Do An MBA Degree

I grew up getting fascinated by the technical aspects of any field of the job but alongside my curiosity about how the humongous organisations of the world worked and who manages them, also developed. Coming from a teaching background my questions rarely got answered to my satisfaction. My technical acumen drew me towards pursuing a...
554 Words 1 Page

Pros And Cons Of Getting An MBA

What first pops into your head when hearing “MBA”? A “Master of Business Administration” degree, also known as an MBA, is a worldwide-recognized degree designed to prepare and instill people with critical skillsets for specific careers in Business and Management. MBA made its entrance in the early 1900s and quickly became one of the most...
1409 Words 3 Pages

MBA In Commerce And Business: My Statement Of Purpose

MBA Statement of Purpose As both my parents are in the business industry, ever since I was young, I have had the chance to be closely associated to witness the world of business. I spent a lot of time with them as an intern during breaks, which helped me to manage my finances and learn...
760 Words 2 Pages
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