Essays on Asia

Need For Amendment Of Animal Laws In India

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals”. -Immanuel Kant India has made some commendable efforts towards animal protection including ban on import of animal-tested cosmetics to prohibition on use of dolphins for entertainment. It has also been recognised as the first cruelty free zone in the South East Asia....
2751 Words 6 Pages

Addiction And Rehabilitation In Malaysia

A general way to define addiction is the need of an individual to engage in rewarding stimuli, despite adverse consequences that on a long run can have a damaging effect on the general well-being. Addiction, as we know it today, comes in many forms, some being less harmful than others. In many countries, people that...

Green Building: Singapore As The Greenest City In Asia

Singapore is a small and dense urbanized island nation and yet according to the Green City Index, it is the greenest city in Asia. In the 1980s about 36% of the nation was labelled ‘green’ which includes its flourishing environments, renewable energy and future sustainability. Today, that number stands at 47%. Singapore lacks natural resources...

Representation Of Vietnam War In Art

Vietnam War lost over a million Vietnamese lives and almost 60,000 Americans their lives in about a 20-year span. From November 1, 1955 to April 30, 1975, thousands perished and the separation of people in United States began. The war started between North and South Vietnam with the United States siding with the South by...
1515 Words 3 Pages

North Korea Concentration Camps

“I was born and raised in a North Korea death camp. I had no idea of the outside world, and I thought everybody was born in these conditions. They tortured us, and forced us to eat disgusting food. Most nights I couldn’t even sleep, there wasn’t enough room. Guards told us they had the right...
728 Words 2 Pages

Cultural Revolution In China: Eight Model Revolutionary Operas

Music has an intrinsic role in political communications where various studies have explained how music can be used as a means of understanding and/or reflecting politics, especially through (but not limited to) protest, propaganda, and national anthems. Provided that music is perceived as a political tool, it can be manipulated to influence masses of people...
2807 Words 6 Pages

China Economy: Government Policy For Mixed Economy

China’s economy is the second-largest in the world and growing at 6 % GDP per annum. Soon it will be the world’s largest. But who are the economic agents behind this change? Who are the true drivers affecting the economy? Are their social, market or government? In any economy, production, consumption and exchange are economic...
2172 Words 5 Pages

China: Effect Of Globalisation On Regional Inequality In Developing Countries

Globalisation has allowed for the integration of different markets of economies around the world through the increasing flows of trade and capital across borders. This essay will go to discuss the effects globalisation has on regional inequality in developing countries, with a focus on China. Despite the pro-globalisation position claiming that the current wave of...

Pestle Analysis Of China

Political The prospects of doing commerce in a specific locale may be exceptionally alluring but contributing to such districts might be hard on the off chance that the locales government exercises are anti-foreign speculation. Comparable dangers confront businesses that work in locales characterized by political instabilities. Economic China is the 2nd biggest economy within the...
446 Words 1 Page
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