Essays on City

Chicago Water Quality

Abstract Water is one of the most essential elements to sustain life. Water does not only connect every single aspect of life, but it is undeniably a fundamental human need. Every person requires at least 5-13 gallons of clean and safe water daily for drinking, sanitation needs, cooking and much more. Regardless of scientific improvements,...
2587 Words 6 Pages

Washington: General Overview Of White House

The sight for the White House was chosen in 1791 by George Washington, who was our first president. After a design competition, a plan submitted by James Hoban was used. It took eight years to construct the building at a cost of $232,372 and President John Adams moved into the house which was unfinished in...
2821 Words 6 Pages

Permeable Surfaces and Storm Water Management in Urban Areas

Due to the ever growing rate of population, urban areas are becoming more and more a requirement, this being possible only through the loss of rural areas which have extremely important functions of their own, especially when it comes to storm water management. The soil in the rural areas play a very important role as...
431 Words 1 Page

Music In Chicago: Rap, Jazz, Hip-hop

In central Nebraska, we would work hard. We worked hard all day and every day, in the field and in the classroom. We worked early on cold winter mornings, breaking ice on the water tanks as our breath floated into the frigid air. We worked in the middle of hot summer days, fixing pivots while...
833 Words 2 Pages

The Social Exclusion of Immigrants in Modern Paris

This research paper will address issues regarding the government of France’s role in building inequality into their capital’s suburban neighborhoods. These cities are Paris’s banlieues, home to the city’s large immigrant communities plagued by lack of opportunity, surging unemployment, rampant poverty, and police discrimination. By law, the integration of an immigrant into French society is...
505 Words 1 Page

Paris As Tourist Destination: Museums And Landmarks

Paris is the capital of France and the most highly populated city in the country with a population of 2.2 million. Since the 17th century Paris has been one of Europe’s major centres of finance, commerce, fashion, science and the arts, particularly well known for its museums and landmarks. In 2017, 23 million people visited...
1094 Words 2 Pages

Dubai: Development Process and Property Markets

This essay plans to look into how a city can be changed by a power, and as a chief outline the assigned city picked is Dubai. As one of the greatest and quickest turning metropolises, the city is a perfect outline as Dubai has risen rapidly to make a notoriety for itself. It is simply...
1934 Words 4 Pages

The Best Of Tokyo: Opinion Essay

The sound of the hustle and bustle of a big city, and a gong sounding in front of an ancient shrine. The smell of Sushi dishes being cooked in market stalls and cherry blossoms budding on countless trees. The sights of the winding paths of the Emperor’s garden and the sun rising over the distant...
912 Words 2 Pages
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