Essays on Geography

Berlin Olympics And Power Of Adolf Hitler

The Olympics is an international sporting event. Berlin has rewarded the privilege of hosting the Olympics in 1931. Adolf Hitler rose to power as chancellor in 1933. In 1936, Germany hosted the Olympic games. Hitler and the Nazis used the worldwide sporting event to their advantage and showed their power over the world. Germany gained...
1352 Words 3 Pages

Environmental Pollution in Latin America

Latin America is a group of countries in the Western Hemisphere where Spanish, Portuguese, French and other Romance languages are spoken. It is also known as Hispanic America. Some countries include Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Peru, Guatemala, Ecuador, Cuba, Bolivia, Haiti, Honduras, Paraguay, etc,. It consists of twenty sovereign states and Spanish several...

Sex Tourism: Arguments For And Against

Sex tourism! What is Sex tourism? The first thing which comes to our mind is the red-light areas and destinations like Amsterdam and Thailand. According to The World Tourism Organization, A specialized agency of the United Nations defines sex tourism as ‘trips organized from within the tourism sector, or from outside this sector but using...

North Korea Concentration Camps

“I was born and raised in a North Korea death camp. I had no idea of the outside world, and I thought everybody was born in these conditions. They tortured us, and forced us to eat disgusting food. Most nights I couldn’t even sleep, there wasn’t enough room. Guards told us they had the right...
728 Words 2 Pages

Germany’s National Innovation System: Characteristics, Advantages And Disadvantages

Introduction: The purpose of the national innovation system of any country is to generate novel ideas and technologies and to communicate and implement these ideas into society as a whole. This transverse of ideas and technologies tends to involve the government, research institutes and industry in an inter-relationship model referred to as “The Triple Helix”,...
2734 Words 6 Pages

Venezuela: History Overview, Political And Economic Development

Venezuela’s full name is actually the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Its shaped like an upside-down triangle with 352,143 square miles, making it about twice the size of California. “The country has a coastline 1,740 miles long and is bounded by the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean” (Shields). Venezuela is located between Colombia and Guyana....
1846 Words 4 Pages

Influence of Greece on Western Civilization

The Greek civilization contributed greatly to the development of modern Western civilizations. Amongst their numerous accomplishments, the ancient Greeks are known for their architecture, art, language, literature, politics, sports, and theater. A few old Greek ideas have since been connected in human advancements all through a lot of Western history. Greek standards in writing and...

The Meaning And Significance Of All Memorials In The USA

Being able to travel back in time and see a location where a past event such as a battle of life and death or an important person from history was in the exact location, is truly an impactful view to imagine and experience. Such locations help keep people informed and reminded of how the nation...
689 Words 2 Pages
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