Essays on Geography

Green Building: Singapore As The Greenest City In Asia

Singapore is a small and dense urbanized island nation and yet according to the Green City Index, it is the greenest city in Asia. In the 1980s about 36% of the nation was labelled ‘green’ which includes its flourishing environments, renewable energy and future sustainability. Today, that number stands at 47%. Singapore lacks natural resources...

Pyramids of Giza: Analytical Essay

Generally about the pyramids. The Giza Pyramids attempted to hold up under a ceaseless time span, have done as of late that. The excellent tombs are relics of Egypt’s Old Kingdom period and were manufactured precisely 4,500 years back. Egypt’s pharaohs expected to become divine creatures in life following passing. To prepare for the accompanying...

Battle of Los Angeles: Evidence Towards And Against The Conspiracy Theory

Abstract The essay provides evidence towards and against the conspiracy theory created about the Battle of Los Angeles that extra-terrestrial objects hovered the sky of Los Angeles and the anti-aircraft guns fired 1400 rounds of anti-aircraft artillery towards it. The research provided information that a memo was discovered claiming the existence of two unidentified aircraft....
641 Words 1 Page

Representation Of Vietnam War In Art

Vietnam War lost over a million Vietnamese lives and almost 60,000 Americans their lives in about a 20-year span. From November 1, 1955 to April 30, 1975, thousands perished and the separation of people in United States began. The war started between North and South Vietnam with the United States siding with the South by...
1515 Words 3 Pages

South Africa: Reasons For the Failure Of Starbucks

According to Marilyn Haigh from CNBC, Sub-Saharan Africa’s first Starbucks opened in 2016 through a collaboration between Starbucks and the Taste Holdings of South Africa. The relationship ended in November 2019, when Taste sold all 13 of its Starbucks stores to a group for 7 million rand, or roughly $464,000 (Haigh, 2019). In November 2018,...
1373 Words 3 Pages

Washington DC: Metro System and Union Station

Introduction Washington DC, the U.S. capital, is a compact city on the Potomac River, bordering the states of Maryland and Virginia, home to over 600 thousand people. It’s known by its imposing neoclassical monuments and buildings One of the most popular modes of transportation in Washington DC is the Metro System, or the Washington Metro....
713 Words 2 Pages

Greatest Archaeological Discovery: Pompeii

How and why is the process of archaeology important in the study of ancient world history? Archaeology is important in the study of ancient world history because the discoveries found through the process of archaeology serve as a catalyst in furthering our knowledge of past civilizations and geography. The more we uncover about our past,...
534 Words 1 Page

Saudi Arabia: Social Issues Involving Women

This statement echoes several social issues involving women but unfortunately aren’t addressed and tackled enough. Some say that gender equality has already been established but one look at reality will show that different factors, such as career, affect the situation. Perhaps one of the most upsetting issues nowadays focuses on the few and the diminishing...
1317 Words 3 Pages
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