Essays on History

Communist Historiography Of Stalin And Stalinism

In the immediate aftermath of Khrushchev’s secret speech, communist historiography of Stalin and Stalinism significantly advanced off the back of the creation of The Reasoner. The creation of the journal and the entries published within it allows for an appreciation and recognition of the evolution of the othering process of Stalinism by communists throughout this...
2985 Words 7 Pages

Changes Of Attitudes Toward Sex, Marriage, And Family Over The Period 1900-1980

Throughout westernized history, the traditional concept of family always consisted of a husband, wife, biological children and extended family [1]. Both men and women had societal roles and social expectations within society, with women’s roles consisting of serving their husbands, looking after their children and housekeeping, Men, on the other hand, had different roles and expectations; men traditionally were...
2327 Words 5 Pages

Dark Ages In Scotland

In the year 1600, Scotland’s population was a meagre 800,000 but the country was well-endowed with seats of learning. Despite their locations on the north-west fringe of Europe, five Scottish universities were already well established. The foundation of the University of St Andrews in 1410 had been prompted by the defection of Augustinian clergy from...
685 Words 2 Pages

Mahatma Gandhi: As Apostle Of Truth, Non-violence And Tolerance

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is known to the world as Mahatma Gandhi and Father of the Nation through the outstanding contribution to the humanity. Like all great men in the annuls of history, he was a man of paradoxes, contradictions, prejudices, peculiarities but against these human frailties, he was standing as a colossus in the political...
2197 Words 5 Pages

Necessity Of Dropping Atomic Bombs On Hiroshima And Nagasaki In 1945

Debate has always circulated around the use of nuclear warfare and how in war it can be seen as a justified source of use, however the devastation it can ultimately bring to our natural environment and eco system does arise the discussion of how ‘humane’ detonating atomic bombs are in the act of preventing further...
1150 Words 3 Pages
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