Essays on International Politics

Iran Versus United States: Analytical Essay

The united states and Iran have not been on a friendly footing for many years. The problem between them dates back to the overthrow of Mossadeq in 1953. The United States has been keeping an eye on Iran ever since then the United States made itself a threat in the eyes of Iranian freedom fighters,...

Positive And Negative Impacts Of Euro

From the American Dollar, Canadian dollar and Euro, these are all the common currency for their countries. The American dollar covers all their 50 states, the Canadian dollar covering all 10 provinces and territories and to the Euro which is the common currency for many of it membering countries. To name a few, Belgian Franc,...
1787 Words 4 Pages

Iraq War: Abuse Of Iraqis By Soldiers Between 2003 And 2009

soldiers systematically abused Iraqis all in the name of defence and intelligence between 2003 and 2009. An array of unlawful interrogation practices were used against innocent Iraqi civilians. Even though these five techniques were outlawed by the Geneva conventions in 1949, deemed as ‘inhuman and degrading treatment’ by the ECHR against Article 3 and rejected...

International Relations: Scenarios Of International Politics Of The United Nation And European Union

This paper seeks to critically examine the three scenarios of international politics that were allotted to various actor in the United Nation’s and European Union’s meetings from the lens of an international relations student. The first scenario allotted was the PRC declaring its invasion over Taiwan if its expansion over the South China Sea fails...
1811 Words 4 Pages

Reasons Why Western International Relations Theory Is Not Applicable To The Chinese Context

There are several reasons why Western International relations theory are not applicable to the Chinese context. Historically China did not own theory of its own (not in the traditional western sense) and this has created difficulty in explaining China using those same traditional theories like liberalism, idealism or first wave Constructivism. Mao Zedong’s personal ideology...
2824 Words 6 Pages

Panama Canal: Troubled And Problematic Relations Between Panama And The United States

With a troubled and problematic past, Panama and the United States did not end their feud after the finalized construction of the Panama Canal. The sovereignty of the United States over the middle of Panama’s territory and the canal caused numerous social, economic, and political problems between both countries. Panama was socially and racially segregated...

Humanitarian Law And International Ad Hoc Tribunal: Former Yugoslavia And The Special Court For Sierra Leone

Introduction I would like to begin with a brief overview of international humanitarian law. After which i will briefly describe the context in which the ICTY and SCLA Court was created, its jurisprudence, the court’s role in bringing peace to the area and then, most importantly, the role and limitation of adhoc international criminal tribunals...
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