Essays on International Politics

General Overview Of Iraq War: Analytical Essay

The United States entered the Iraq war shortly after the tragedy of 9/11 in 2001. This war was initially fully supported by the American people because at that time the country was in a state of high patriotism. Citizens felt wrong by an outside country and wanted to find the perpetrator as soon as possible...
922 Words 2 Pages

International Studies: History, Theory, Practice

Relationships between states are bound by the ideas and policies that they share, and not only the material interests [1]. Therefore, the behaviours of the international actors are determined by these ideas and material interests. However, according to research, ideas have an independent causal effect, which means that differences may arise on particular ideologies [2]....
1372 Words 3 Pages

Potential Conflict between Parliamentary Sovereignty and One of the Principles Adopted by the European Court of Human Rights

This statement raises the issue of the potential conflict between Parliamentary Sovereignty in United Kingdom (UK) and one of the principles adopted by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) to interpret the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), the ‘living instrument’ approach. Parliamentary Sovereignty is one of the fundamental principles of Constitution. Being the...

Opinion Essay: Impossibility of World Peace

Ankush Rawat said “the sad truth is that, a world with peace and harmony only exists in dreams.” World Peace is a very controversial topic to discuss. World Peace cannot be achieved by humans in a million lifetimes. There are three reasons why world peace is virtually impossible. Firstly, governments will always fight for control...
802 Words 2 Pages

The Role Of Religious In International Relations

Religion has, and continued to be, a force for change in international relations. Religion was a core ideology that instigated conflicts between the groups before the establishment and the development of the international state system (XU, 2012). However, it took the back seat following the development of the centralized states and the Peace of Westphalia...
1045 Words 2 Pages

The Factors That Caused The Breakup Of Yugoslavia

Following the fall of the “Iron Curtain”, historical events took place in Europe and reflected its development. Two parallel processes were developing on the European continent – one of the unification of the two Germanies and the other of the breakup of multinational federations. There was no longer a bipolar model in Europe and in...
2838 Words 6 Pages

The Factors That Led To The Breakup Of Yugoslavia

After World War II ended, Yugoslavia was a large nation that consisted of six republics. These republics were divided by borders according to historical ethnic boundaries. The six republics that made up Yugoslavia are now known today as Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, and Macedonia. All six republics had their own slice of the pie...
1175 Words 3 Pages

The Bretton Woods System And Global Economic Governance

Introduction The trend towards world governance has been significantly evident within the sphere of economic political. This can be as a result of economic science is that the most evident space of reciprocity amongst states, and therefore the space wherever the failure of international cooperation will cause the clearest injury. Since 1945, a system of...
3559 Words 8 Pages
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