Essays on Psychology

Effectiveness Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is a restorative process of therapy, it works on altering the unfavorable thoughts that can participate in depression, anxiety and, emotional disorder. Cognitive-behavioral therapy occurs as a psycho-social intervention, the intention of CBT is to enhance mental condition, specify and correct harmful thought patterns with unpleasant impact on emotional behavior CBT has been identified...

Child Educational Psychology And Social Development

Educational psychology includes the investigation of how individuals master, including themes, for example, student results, the instructional procedure, singular contrasts in learning, skilled students, and learning handicaps. Psychologists who work in this field are keen on how individuals learn and hold new data. Social development refers to the drawn out changes seeing someone and associations...
830 Words 2 Pages

Child Observation In: Emily’s Case

Within the UK Child and family social workers have a statutory duty under the Children Act (1989) to promote the welfare of all children (section 17) and protect children from significant harm (section 47). Harm is defined within the Children Act (1989), means ill-treatment or the impairment of health or development (section 31). Therefore, for...

Nature Vs. Nurture Of Childhood Attachment

Introduction This report highlights the results of several studies carried out on the topic of the nature vs nurture effect of childhood attachment in the first subsection and ADHD in the second subsection. It covers a critical review of generalities as well as the limitations of the studies and recommendations for further inquiry to achieve...
935 Words 2 Pages

How Different Attachment Styles Respond To Loss

 Introduction This essay sets out to explore different responses to loss, based on individual attachment styles. It focuses on the work of John Bowlby, the originator of Attachment Theory, briefly visiting his successors Mary Ainsworth’s and Mary Main’s later studies, using research in support of my proposal. I will detail how Attachment Theory may be...
2546 Words 6 Pages

Childhood In Crisis: Retrospective

This essay will discuss the treatment of young children and lawbreakers and how it has changed from the 19th century through to today. Crime and the management of criminals are consistently questioned today and have throughout the years. The fine balance between reform, rehabilitation, and discipline has fluctuated from the beginning of time and remains...
998 Words 2 Pages

The Importance Of Cognitive Science For Actors

Cognitive science involves the study of internal mental processes—all of the things that go on inside your brain, including perception, thinking, memory, attention, language, problem-solving, and learning (Cherry, 2019). Helga Noice, a professor of psychology at Elmhurst College in Illinois, spent more than 20 years investigating how actors learn their lines. What was surprising is...
2938 Words 6 Pages

Childhood And Education: Analysis Of David Blundell Approach

Children indisputably are a very important part of the human population and they play a crucial role in society and its continuum. We can often see the word ‘education’ next to the word ‘children’ in different social pieces of literature explaining how education or the lack of it can have a tremendous impact on a...
996 Words 2 Pages

The Concept Of Mind-Brain Consciousness

The concept of consciousness has long been considered the most challenging in human thought. How consciousness manifests in living entities is to many an almost impossible question to answer. Moreover, it has recently become a topic of concern about whether non-human entities are conscious, such as machines, or robots. This essay will discuss how an...
982 Words 2 Pages

Psychological Explanations Of Abnormal Psychology

In this essay, I will be evaluating the psychological explanations of abnormality in reference to Claire’s case study. In particular the behaviourist, psychodynamic and cognitive perspectives. Introduction Claire’s behaviour could be defined as ‘abnormal behaviour’, as she has lost interest in spending time with her friends and is now spending more time at home researching...
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