Essays on Biology

Cell Division The Onion Root Tips (Mitosis)

Introduction The life cycle can be referred to as a cell cycle. In other words, the cell cycle includes the developmental stages of a cell which starts with its ‘birth,’ i.e., the division of a mother cell and ends with its cell division, the creation of two daughter cells. To start a cell division, a...
1072 Words 2 Pages

Manipulation Of Photosynthesis

Manipulation of Photosynthesis Abstract These experiments in this study was to show how significant it is for plants to receive all its inputs, so it can produce all its outputs in photosynthesis. Our initial hypothesis was correct for all three experiments, because we predicted that the change in light and carbon dioxide would affect how...
1233 Words 3 Pages

Advantages, Disadvantages And Risks Of Stem Cell Research

Introduction The progress of science is notoriously capricious; one can never be certain when it will advance, or what the advancement maybe, but change often comes in drastic leaps, skipping many steps along the way. One such change occurred quite recently in the field of medicine when a cell was discovered with the potential to...
3049 Words 7 Pages

Stem Cells And Their Role In Cardiac Regeneration

Introduction. Cardiovascular disease has been the leading reason behind death amongst individuals of all ages for many years, accounting for over 30 percent of death in populations across the world. These statistics have persisted, despite the advancement in health care facilities and technologies. The discovery of the pluripotent stem cells that are capable differentiating into...
2514 Words 6 Pages

Enzyme Activity: Experiment Study Of Peroxidase

Abstract An enzyme is a biological catalyst. The catalyst studied in the experiment was peroxidase. The source of peroxidase used in this experiment was from turnip extract. Guaiacol was used in this experiment to be able to tell how much light was absorbed by the brown color the test tube turned from the guaiacol. We...
1331 Words 3 Pages

Levels Of Organisation And Mitosis

This essay will discuss the levels of organisation within animal and plant kingdoms by giving definitions and examples. It will also explain how mitosis is seen within the growth, repair and renewal of tissues, as well as asexual reproduction with examples from both animal and plant kingdoms. Nakate (2017) explains how the levels of organisation...
818 Words 2 Pages

Cellular Respiration: Aerobic & Anaerobic Respiration

Respiration Aerobic & Anaerobic respiration: Respiration is a process that will occur in every living organism where the end result is energy. Aerobic respiration is the process where oxygen is used in the production of cellular energy also to break down energy that comes into a cell, it produces 36ATP. Mitochondria is a key organelle....
2905 Words 6 Pages
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